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Scanning and skimming

Scanning and skimming

by Hasibul Hasan -
Number of replies: 0


Definition: Scanning involves looking through a text to find specific information or keywords without reading every word. You’re essentially searching for a particular detail.

Example 1: When you’re looking for a specific name or date in a document, you scan the text to locate that information quickly.

Example 2: While going through a dictionary to find the meaning of a specific word, you scan the pages until you find the word you are looking for.


Definition: Skimming is reading quickly to get the general idea or gist of the content, without focusing on details.

Example 1: When you are previewing a book or article to decide whether it's worth reading fully, you might skim through the first few paragraphs or headings.

Example 2: Before an exam, a student might skim over their notes or textbook to get a quick overview of the key topics they studied.