General forums

Forum Description Discussions
Your Course Teacher - AHMK Baki Billah

Message from your Course Teacher

Dear beloved students,

Hope you are well and safe.

We are delighted to announce that our Spring semester started on 15 January 2021.  The schedule is already out. I hope you have received it. If you have not received the program schedule, please let me know. I will ...

Learning forums

Topic Forum Description Discussions
Class Lecture-01: Introduction to Health Economics Interactive Discussion Forum on Lecture-01

Please attend the discussion_forum answering the following question;

Define Health Economics in your Language.

Class Lecture-02: Health Economic Aspects Discussion Forum

Respected Learner, 

Please attend the forum answering the following question. 

1. What do you mean by the term Efficiency in your language?

2. Define Equity in your own Language.

Class lecture-04: Health Care Financing Discussion Forum

Dear Enthusiastic Learners,

Please attend the discussion forum on the following question; 

" What do you understand by Health Care Financing" 

Please write in your language. You may add different topics or respond to your peer's reply. 

Lecture-05: Health Insurance Discussion Forum

1. Define Health Insurance using your own language. 
2. Define Premium and its determinants.