This course provides a comprehensive overview of Design Patterns in Java from a practical perspective. This course, in particular, covers patterns with the use of:
- The latest versions of Java
- Use of modern programming approaches dependency injection, reactive programming, and more.
- Use of modern developer tools such as ReSharper.
- Discussions of pattern variations and alternative approaches.
This course provides an overview of all the Gang of Four (GoF) design patterns outlined in their seminal book, together with modern-day variations, adjustments, and discussions of the intrinsic use of patterns in the language.
What Patterns Does This Course Cover?
This course covers all the GoF design patterns. Here's the full list of what is covered:
- SOLID Design Principles: Single Responsibility Principle, Open-Closed Principle, Liskov Substitution Principle, Interface Segregation Principle, and Dependency Inversion Principle
- Creational Design Patterns: Builder, Factories (Factory Method and Abstract Factory), Prototype, and Singleton
- Structural Design Patterns: Adapter, Bridge, Composite, Decorator, Façade, Flyweight, and Proxy
- Behavioral Design Patterns: Chain of Responsibility, Command, Interpreter, Iterator, Mediator, Memento, Null Object, Observer, State, Strategy, Template Method, and Visitor