Chapter 3: Details Lesson Plan

Title: Introduction of Garments Washing

Ref. No: TE 417/5-9

Target Population: 30-40

Duration: 5 session of 300 minutes (60+60+60+60+60)

Learning Outcomes (LOs): At the end of the session participant will be able-

  • To describe the necessity and effects of garments washing.
  • To classify the wash process with their specific purpose.
  • To identify different chemicals, machines, instruments, tools used in garments washing.
  • To describe the functions of different chemicals used in garments washing.
  • To name required machinery used in garments washing


Method or Technique

Resource or Aid


Introduction:Welcome address,Rapport building,Bridging topic ,Layout/ content outline,Attendance,Pre-assessment


 Lecture, Q/A


White Board


 15 x5=75 mins


Section  A: Overview of garments washing

Section B: Purposes, requirements, effects of garments washing; Types of washing, required chemicals with their functions, details of required machines and tools for washing




Lecture, Discussion



White Board, MMP, Online Platform




30x 5=150 mins

Conclusion: Recap main points,  Feedback & answer, Assessment of LOs, Reference , Forward plan

 Discussion, Q/A,


 White Board, MMP, Online Platform

15x5=75 mins

Equipment & aids:  Optional

Last modified: Saturday, 22 May 2021, 12:37 AM