CE 414
Midterm review and important
- You have to answer two questions out of three.
- Each question has a and b part. a part is math problem and b part is theory question.
- Math problems will be straight forward like class lecture, only numbers will be changed.
- Theory questions will be short answered and direct question based on class lecture.
Syllabus for midterm: Lecture 1 to Lecture 6
Midterm information:
Exam time: 1 hour
Type: Physical Exam
Total marks: 25
To be answered: 2 Math + 2 short theory question
Schedule: To be announced
Important Math:
First concept (Example 1.1, Lecture 1, slide 17-18)
Third concept (Example 1.4, Lecture 2, slide 18-22)
Example 4.4 (Lecture 5, slide 13-17, use only solution method at slide 17)
Example 5.3 (Lecture 6, slide 14-16)
Important Theories:
Bonded and unbonded tendon (Lecture 1, slide 8), stages of loading (Lecture 1, slide 9), full, partial and limited prestressing (Lecture 2, slide 13), Devices of post-tensioning (Lecture 3, slide 16), Loss due to creep of concrete (Lecture 4, slide 11, only to write 5-6 lines in exam)
Next week, you have 2 review classes online for midterm. After the review classes, if required I will arrange physical review classes as per students’ needs.