Section outline
Assignment-1: Submission Instruction and Task
A Real Estate, Inc. (AREI), sells houses. People who want to sell their houses sign a contract with AREI and provide information on their house. This information is kept in a database by AREI, and a subset of this information is sent to the citywide multiple listing service used by all real estate agents. AREI works with two types of potential buyers. Some buyers have an interest in one specific house. In this case, AREI prints information from its database, which the real estate agent uses to help show the house to the buyer (a process beyond the scope of the system to be modeled). Other buyers seek AREI’s advice in finding a house that meets their needs. In this case, the buyer completes a buyer information form that is entered into a buyer database, and AREI real estate agents use its information to search AREI’s database and the multiple listing service for houses that meet their needs. The results of these searches are printed and used to help the real estate agent show houses to the buyer.
Clyde Clerk is reviewing his firm’s expense reimbursement policies with the new salesperson, Trav Farr. “Our reimbursement policies depend on the situation. You see, first, we determine if it is a local trip. If it is, we only pay mileage of 18.5 cents a mile. If the trip was a one-day trip, we pay mileage and then check the times of departure and return. To be reimbursed for breakfast, you must leave by 7:00 A.M., lunch by 11:00 A.M., and have dinner by 5:00 P.M. To receive reimbursement for breakfast, you must return later than 10:00 A.M., lunch later than 2:00 P.M., and have dinner by 7:00 P.M. On a trip lasting more than one day, we allow a hotel, taxi, and airfare, as well as meal allowances. The same times apply for meal expenses.”
1. Draw the Context Diagram or DFD0 and DFD1 diagram for Scenario-1.
2. Decision Tree, Decision Table, and Structured Language for Scenario-2.Instruction:
- This is an individual assignment. You have to submit it online on (23-10-2020, 11:59 pm).
- Submit it in a word document and put your name, ID, and a section on the front page and you can add your picture(drawing answer) in the document file.
- Try to answer your idea and do not copy from others. (if I find any two of the assignments are the same then both of you will get zero).
- Maximum size for new files: 10MB