Section outline
Instructions on how to go through the Course System Analysis and Design
Quick Link Class Test -1 Class Test -2 Assignment-1 Student Surve (Midterm Exam) Midterm Exam Class Test -3 Assignment-2 Presentation Student Survey (Final Exam) Final Exam -
Third-Party Apps Added External resources or Activities through third-party apps
Telegram Group Link to join with section-wise:
- Section: O4:
- Section: O5:
- Section: PC-A+UC-A:
Counselling and Project/Thesis Discussion Hour
Fall 2020Click here to set your Counselling or Project Supervising Time
- System Analysis and Design, by Elias M. Awad
Reference Books:
- Systems Analysis and Design, Kendall and Kendall, Fifth Edition
- Systems Analysis and Design Methods, Jeffrey Whitten, Lonnie Bentley
- Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm. Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon
- System Analysis and Design, Shelly, Rosenblatt
Data, Information and System
Lesson Topics:
- Distinction between Data and Information
- Description of types of Information: Tactical, Operational, Strategic, Statutory.
- Division of Management into different hierarchical levels.
- Type of Information needed at different levels of management.
- Division of organizations into several functional areas and their information requirements
- Attributes of Information.
Learning Outcomes:
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Week-1-Lesson-1: Data, Information and System(Video):
Week-1-Lesson-2: Data, Information and System(Video):
Class Lectures with Date and Lesson wise:
Section: O5
17-09-2020 : CSE321(O5) - Week-1-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
20-09-2020 : CSE321(O5) - Week-1-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded Video
Section: PC-A+UC-A19-09-2020 : CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-1-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
19-09-2020 : CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-1-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
Section: O4
22-09-2020 : CSE321(O4) - Week-1-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
24-09-2020 : CSE321(O4) - Week-1-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded Video -
Practice Lesson:
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Week-2-Lesson-1: System Analysis Life Cycle(Recorded Video):
Week-2-Lesson-2-System Analysis Life Cycle(Recorded Video):
Class Lectures with Date and Lesson wise:
Section: CSE321(O5)
24-09-2020 : CSE321(O5) - Week-2-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
27-09-2020 : CSE321(O5) - Week-2-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded VideoSection: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A)
26-09-2020 : CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-2-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
26-09-2020 : CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-2-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded VideoSection: CSE321(O4)
29-09-2020 : CSE321(O4) - Week-2-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video06-10-2020 : CSE321(O4) - Week-2-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded Video
Practice Lesson:
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Week-3: Information Gathering(Recorded Video):
Class Lectures with Date and Lesson wise:
Section: CSE321(O5)
30-09-2020 : CSE321(O5) - Week-3-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
30-09-2020 : CSE321(O4) - Week-3-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
02-10-2020 : CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-3-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
Practice Lesson:
Class Test-1(15 Marks): Click here to start your quiz: CSE321(O4) Section
Class Test-1(15 Marks): Click here to start your quiz: CSE321(O5) Section
Class Test-1(15 Marks): Click here to start your quiz: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) Section
Data Flow Diagram(DFD)
Lesson Topics:- What are Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs)?
- Why they are useful?
- How are they developed?
- How to level DFDs?
- Good style conventions in developing DFDs
- Difference between Logical and Physical DFDs
- Tools available to draw DFDs
Learning Outcomes:
- Able to create context and level-1 data flow diagrams.
- Able to create Physical and Logical data flow diagram
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Week-4: Data Flow Diagram(Recorded Video):
Reference Resources(Youtube Video):
Context & Data Flow Diagrams Sample 1: YouTube Context & Data Flow Diagram Request: Amazon Context & Data Flow Diagrams Sample 3: Netflix -
Class Lecture with Date and Section-wise:
04-10-2020 : CSE321(O5) - Week-4-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
10-10-2020 : CSE321(O5) - Week-4-Lesson-2 : Class Recorded Video
13-10-2020 : CSE321(O4) - Week-4-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
14-10-2020 : CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-4-Lesson-1 : Class Recorded Video
Practice Lesson:
Online Tools for drawing DFD (With Example):
Process Specification related to the DFD
Lesson Topics:
- How to use structured English to precisely specify processes
- The terminology used in structured English
- Terminology of decision tables and how it is used to specify complex logic
- How to detect errors in the decision table specifications
- Terminology and use of decision trees
- Comparison of structured English, decision tables and decision trees
Learning Outcomes:
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Reference Resources(Youtube Video):
Decision Tree and Table:
Practice Lesson:
Assignment-1: Submission Instruction and Task
A Real Estate, Inc. (AREI), sells houses. People who want to sell their houses sign a contract with AREI and provide information on their house. This information is kept in a database by AREI, and a subset of this information is sent to the citywide multiple listing service used by all real estate agents. AREI works with two types of potential buyers. Some buyers have an interest in one specific house. In this case, AREI prints information from its database, which the real estate agent uses to help show the house to the buyer (a process beyond the scope of the system to be modeled). Other buyers seek AREI’s advice in finding a house that meets their needs. In this case, the buyer completes a buyer information form that is entered into a buyer database, and AREI real estate agents use its information to search AREI’s database and the multiple listing service for houses that meet their needs. The results of these searches are printed and used to help the real estate agent show houses to the buyer.
Clyde Clerk is reviewing his firm’s expense reimbursement policies with the new salesperson, Trav Farr. “Our reimbursement policies depend on the situation. You see, first, we determine if it is a local trip. If it is, we only pay mileage of 18.5 cents a mile. If the trip was a one-day trip, we pay mileage and then check the times of departure and return. To be reimbursed for breakfast, you must leave by 7:00 A.M., lunch by 11:00 A.M., and have dinner by 5:00 P.M. To receive reimbursement for breakfast, you must return later than 10:00 A.M., lunch later than 2:00 P.M., and have dinner by 7:00 P.M. On a trip lasting more than one day, we allow a hotel, taxi, and airfare, as well as meal allowances. The same times apply for meal expenses.”
1. Draw the Context Diagram or DFD0 and DFD1 diagram for Scenario-1.
2. Decision Tree, Decision Table, and Structured Language for Scenario-2.Instruction:
- This is an individual assignment. You have to submit it online on (23-10-2020, 11:59 pm).
- Submit it in a word document and put your name, ID, and a section on the front page and you can add your picture(drawing answer) in the document file.
- Try to answer your idea and do not copy from others. (if I find any two of the assignments are the same then both of you will get zero).
- Maximum size for new files: 10MB
Class Test-2: Syllabus and Instruction:
Syllabus: Wk-4 and Wk-5 will cover quiz-2 topics.
- The quiz will be open as per the schedule.
- The answer will be text-based you can write in the given box or you can be attached (if any case)
Quiz Date and Time:
- 22-10-2020, Section: CSE321(O5), 10:00am
- 22-10-2020, Section: CSE321(O4), 01:00pm
- 24-10-2020, Section: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A), 10:00am
Class Test-2: CSE321(O4) Click here to open the Question Page Quiz
Class Test-2: CSE321(O5) Click here to open the Question Page Quiz
Class Test-2: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) Click here to open the Question Page Quiz
Feasibility Analysis
Lesson Topics:Learning Outcomes:
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Class Lecture with Date and Section-wise:
18-10-2020: CSE321(O5) - Presentation Guideline and Instruction
20-10-2020: CSE321(O4) - Presentation Guideline and Instruction
21-10-2020: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Presentation Guideline and Instruction
24-10-2020: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-6-Lesson-1: Class Recorded Video
27-10-2020: CSE321(O4) - Week-6-Lesson-1: Class Recorded Video
29-10-2020: CSE321(O5) - Week-6-Lesson-1: Class Recorded Video
Practice Example
Midterm Exam Syllabus:
- Wk-1: Data and Information
- Wk-2: System Analysis and Design Life Cycle
- Wk-3: Information Gathering
- Wk-4: Data Flow Diagram(DFD)
- Wk-5: Process Specification
- Wk-6: Feasibility Analysis
Midterm Marks Distribution:
- Midterm Exam will be made up of 5 sets of questions.
- Each set of questions may include two or three short or descriptive questions.
- Each of the questions set contains equal marks(5 Marks), Total 25 Marks.
- There will be no options. You must answer all the questions to get marks.
Questions Pattern:
- Find out the types of information, types of system and elements of the system
- Find out which requirements gathering technique is eligible for the scenario.
- Draw DFD01 and DFD-1 for the given scenario.
- Draw the decision tree, decision table, and structured language for the given scenario.
- Find out the deficiencies, goal, and subgoals for the given scenario.
Open Book Midterm Exam Guideline for Students
Midterm Exam Question, Answer Script, and Submission Link
Expectation from the Students: Students Feedback
(Based on Midterm Syllabus)
Lesson Topics:Learning Outcomes:
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Class Lectures with date and section-wise:
14-11-2020: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-8-Lesson-1
15-11-2020: CSE321(O5) - Week-8-Lesson-1
17-11-2020: CSE321(O4) - Week-8-Lesson-1
Reference Resources(Youtube Video):
Network Diagram and PERT Chart:
Practice Example:
Effective Input and Output Design
Lesson Topics:Learning Outcomes:- Able to create a user interface form data input and output, data to represent common business situations.
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Class Lectures with date and section-wise:
18-11-2020: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-9-Lesson-1
19-11-2020: CSE321(O4) - Week-9-Lesson-1
19-11-2020: CSE321(O5) - Week-9-Lesson-1
Practice Lesson:
Class Test-3: Syllabus and Instruction
Syllabus: quiz-3 topics.
- The quiz will be open as per the schedule.
- The answer will be text-based you can write in the given box or you can be attached (if any case)
Quiz Date and Time:
- CSE321(O4): 04:00, 03-12-2020
- CSE321(O5): 04:00, 03-12-2020
- CSE321(PC-A+UC-A): 04:00, 03-12-2020
System Testing
Lesson Topics:- Failure, Fault/Bug, Error
- System Testing
- System Testing Process Steps
- Types of System Testing
- Rules of System Testing
- Test case design
- White Box testing, Black box testing
- Factors that Determine System Quality
Learning Outcomes:
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Class Lectures with date and section-wise:
21-11-2020: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-10-Lesson-1
24-11-2020: CSE321(O4) - Week-10-Lesson-1
26-11-2020: CSE321(O5) - Week-10-Lesson-1
Reference Resources(Youtube Video):
What is Manual Testing? | Manual Testing Tutorial For Beginners -
Practice Lesson:
Information Security and Cyber Crime
Learning Topics:- Computer Applications in the Society
- Internet-based Applications in the Society
- Security Challenges and Vulnerabilities
- Hackers and Computer Crime
- Proof of Computer Crime
- What is Cyber Crime?
- Information Security
- Technologies and Tools for Protecting Information Resources
- Property Rights: Intellectual Property
Learning Outcomes:
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Class Lectures with date and section-wise:
26-11-2020: CSE321(O4) - Week-11-Lesson-1
28-11-2020: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-11-Lesson-1
Practice Lesson:
E-Commerce and Digital Market
Lesson Topics:-
Class Lectures(Pre-Recorded):
Class Lectures with date and section-wise:
01-12-2020: CSE321(O4) - Week-12-Lesson-1
02-12-2020: CSE321(PC-A+UC-A) - Week-12-Lesson-1
03-12-2020: CSE321(O5) - Week-12-Lesson-1
Lesson Practice:
Research Paper Presentation Week
- Select one Research Paper from the given list.
- Make a presentation group minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 members.
- Submit your group presentation slides.
- You have to submit it online on Date 2020.
- Put all of your name, ID, and the section on the front page and you can add your picture.
Your Presentation will cover the following items:
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
a. Objectives
b. Research Goal
c. Research Questions
3. Literature Review
4. Research Methods
5. Main work of the paper
6. Results/Findings
7. Conclusion
8. Motivation after study of this paper-
Research Paper Group Work:
Date and Time:
- CSE321(O4): 10-12-2020, Time: 03:00pm
- CSE321(O5): 10-12-2020, Time: 03:00pm
- CSE321(PC-A+UC-A): 10-12-2020, Time: 03:00pm
- This is an individual assignment. You have to submit it online on 13-12-2020.
- Submit it in a pdf and put your name, ID, and a section on the front page and you can add your picture(drawing answer) in the document file.
- Try to answer your idea and do not copy from others. (if I find any two of the assignments are the same then both of you will get zero).
Class Test-4(Extra Class Test)
Quiz 4, Allow for those students who missed anyone quiz or received the lowest marks in one quiz of three.
Wk-10, Wk-11, and Wk-12 lectures will be cover for quiz 4.
Date and Time:
14-12-2020, 02:30pm-03:30pm( 1 hour from your opening time).
Final Exam Syllabus:
- WK-8-Managing The Information Systems Project
- WK-9-Data Input and Output Method
- WK-10-System Testing
- WK-11-Information Security and Cyber Crime
- WK-12-E-Commerce, Digital Goods and Digital Marketing
Final Exam Marks Distribution:
- Final Exam will be made up of 5 sets of questions.
- Each set of questions may include two or three tasks from a given scenario.
- Each of the questions set contains equal marks(8 Marks), Total 40 Marks.
- There will be no options. You must answer all the questions to get marks.
Questions Pattern:
- Gantt Chart, PERT Chart, Critical Path, Critical Value----1 Set(8 Marks)
- Draw Input and Output form design from given scenario-----1 Set(8 Marks)
- Different type of testing to give GUI -----1 Set(8 Marks)
- Different types of security tools used for the given scenario.-----1 Set(8 Marks)
- Mentioned the different types of E-Commerce Website from given website-----1 Set(8 Marks)
SAD Final Exam Old Question Format:
Final Exam Question, Answer Script, and Submission Link
The expectation from the Students: Students Feedback
(Based on Final Syllabus)