Section outline

  • Class Test-3: Syllabus and Instruction

    Syllabus:  quiz-3 topics.

    • A scenario will be given, you will have to the Gantt Chart, PERT Char, and find out the critical pat and Critical Value.
    • Draw the Input form or Output Form/Invoice from a given scenario. 


    • The quiz will be open as per the schedule. 
    • The answer will be text-based you can write in the given box or you can be attached (if any case)

    Quiz Date and Time: 

    • CSE321(O4): 04:00, 03-12-2020
    • CSE321(O5): 04:00, 03-12-2020
    • CSE321(PC-A+UC-A): 04:00, 03-12-2020