Section outline

  • Research Paper Presentation Week


    1. Select one Research Paper from the given list. 
    2. Make a presentation group minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 members.
    3. Submit your group presentation slides.
    4.  You have to submit it online on Date 2020.
    5. Put all of your name, ID, and the section on the front page and you can add your picture.

    Your Presentation will cover the following items:
    1. Abstract
    2. Introduction 
          a. Objectives
          b. Research Goal
          c. Research Questions
    3. Literature Review
    4. Research Methods
    5. Main work of the paper
    6. Results/Findings
    7. Conclusion
    8. Motivation after study of this paper

    • Research Paper Group Work: 

    • Date and Time:

      • CSE321(O4): 10-12-2020, Time: 03:00pm

      • CSE321(O5): 10-12-2020, Time: 03:00pm
      • CSE321(PC-A+UC-A): 10-12-2020, Time: 03:00pm