Section outline

  • Final Exam Syllabus:

    • WK-8-Managing The Information Systems Project
    • WK-9-Data Input and Output Method
    • WK-10-System Testing
    • WK-11-Information Security and Cyber Crime
    • WK-12-E-Commerce, Digital Goods and Digital Marketing

    Final Exam Marks Distribution:

    • Final Exam will be made up of 5 sets of questions. 
    • Each set of questions may include two or three tasks from a given scenario.  
    • Each of the questions set contains equal marks(8 Marks), Total 40 Marks.
    • There will be no options. You must answer all the questions to get marks. 

    Questions Pattern:

    1. Gantt Chart, PERT Chart, Critical Path, Critical Value----1 Set(8 Marks)
    2. Draw Input and Output form design from given scenario-----1 Set(8 Marks)
    3. Different type of testing to give GUI -----1 Set(8 Marks)
    4. Different types of security tools used for the given scenario.-----1 Set(8 Marks)
    5. Mentioned the different types of E-Commerce Website from given website-----1 Set(8 Marks)