Section outline
Learning outcomes:
At the end of this chapter students will be able to know about-
- Circulatory system: Heart:
Structure, heart muscles, conducting system of heart, origin and transmission
of cardiac impulse; ECG, control and requirements for the normal heart beat,
cardiac cycle, cardiac output, nervous regulation of heart, cardiac reflexes.
- Blood vessels: Types of blood vessels and their functions.
- Blood pressure: Measurements and
regulation of blood
- pressure, nervous control and chemical control. Arterial
pulse: Definition and clinical study, recording of arterial pulse.
- Capillary circulation:
Importance and functions.
- Regional blood circulation:
Pulmonary circulation, hepatic circulation, renal circulation and cerebral
- Lymphatic system: Lymph, Lymph capillary, Lymphatic vessels, lymph node,Lymphatic organs Composition and formation of lymph, Function and circulation via lymphatic system.
Please try out this interactive quiz to judge your learning from this chapter before moving forward
- Circulatory system: Heart:
Structure, heart muscles, conducting system of heart, origin and transmission
of cardiac impulse; ECG, control and requirements for the normal heart beat,
cardiac cycle, cardiac output, nervous regulation of heart, cardiac reflexes.