Section outline



      Course Teacher: Anta Afsana

      Contact No: 01734195331

      email ID:



  • STAAR English I: Test Prep & Practice Course - Online Video Lessons |

    Course Description: 

    The course will be suitable for learners who have a weak foundation of English-are unable to listen to and comprehend instructions, speak clearly and fluently using grammatically correct structures, reading extensively, and write coherently in simple English to express their ideas. The course will try to help learners attain basic competence in English.

    Course Objectives:

    To enable students to:

    ●       Listen to English spoken to them and understand instructions, commands, requests etc.

    ●       Speak English to respond to questions asked and express themselves

    ●       Read short texts and answer questions on contents of the text

    ●       Write coherent paragraphs to express their thoughts and feelings


    Teaching Methodology:

    ●       Both formative and summative assessment along with the focus on Alternative assessment will be th prime concern.

    ●       The focus would be on procedural knowledge by using the target items in communication.

    • References:

      1] A Basic English Grammar: Exercises-John Eastwood.

      2] Grammar Practice Activities for Intermediate Students of English-Leo Jones.

      3] Guided Paragraph Writing-T C Jupp & John Milne

      4] Cambridge IELTS


      Reference Books:

      1] Essential English Grammar-Raymond Murphy

      2] Common Mistakes in English-T F Fitikides.


  • Expectations. Expectation is a belief that is… | by Nihinlola Olowe (M. Ed.  Counselling Psychology) | Medium

    Please share your expectation from this course and the course teacher. This will help the course teacher to meet up your expectations!

  • The 4 Language Skills | Learn English | EnglishClub

    Communicating clearly is important whether you are communicating with your boss, a colleague, a teacher, or a personal friend. Unclear, vague communication or communicating only some of the information needed can lead to misunderstandings or worse. When communicating in writing, it is important to remember some basic communication guidelines to ensure that you provide all the information needed in an appropriate manner, thus avoiding problems in the future.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Basic communication skills in English
    2. Four language skills introduction
    3. Receptive and productive skills

    Learning Outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to...
    1. Communicate better in English
    2. Deliver the message clearly
    3. Understand English efficiently

  • Articles in English grammar - Learn English language, Free English language  Course


    In English, there are three articles: a, an, and the. Articles are used before nouns or noun equivalents and are a type of adjective. The definite article (the) is used before a noun to indicate that the identity of the noun is known to the reader. The indefinite article (a, an) is used before a noun that is general or when its identity is not known. There are certain situations in which a noun takes no article.

    Objectives: To learn about...

    1. Definite and Indefinite articles
    2. How to use these properly
    3. Tips on using articles

    Learning Outcomes: After the session, students will be able to...

    1. Use a, an, the properly in speech and writing
    2. Avoid making mistakes in articles
    3. Identify when not to use articels

  • Listening Speaking Reading Writing Skills, HD Png Download - kindpng

    Speaking and listening are the foundations of literacy in the content areas, yet explicit instruction in communication and conversation skills rarely occurs after elementary school. The inclusion of standards for speaking and listening in the revised Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and the Common Core underscores the need to teach our students how to express themselves clearly, creatively, and for a variety of purposes, how to listen thoughtfully, how to question, and how to learn from each other.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Different strategies of listening and speaking skills
    2. Understanding meaning while listening to anything in English
    3. Many speaking strategies

    Learning Outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to...

    1. Understand English speech
    2. Get the message clearly
    3. Implement speaking and listening strategies in real life.

  • Reading Comprehension - Introduction Class 10 Notes | EduRev


    The process of comprehending text begins before children can read when someone reads a picture book to them. They listen to the words, see the pictures in the book, and may start to associate the words on the page with the words they are hearing and the ideas they represent. In order to learn comprehension strategies, students need modelling, practice, and feedback.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Comprehending meaning from a text
    2. Different strategies of reading comprehension
    3. Finding out short/broad answers
    4. Reading for specific information

    Learning Outcomes: After this session, the students will be able to...
    1. Comprehend any text written in English
    2. Summarize and paraphrase
    3. Find out specific information from a text

  • Agreeing & Disagreeing ESL Activities - Premium ESL Teaching Resources


    There are many phrases and words that are used to express agreement and disagreement in English, and depending on the specific situation, some are more appropriate (fitting or correct) than others. Almost any conversation that you find yourself participating in will include having to agree or disagree. So, let’s learn how to do so like a friendly native English speaker.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Different phrases to agree and disagree
    2. Expressing oneself 
    3. Use English properly

    Learning Outcomes: After the session, students will be able to...
    1. Express themselves properly
    2. Agree and disagree
    3. Use proper phrases to agree or disagree

  • Instruction:

    1. You will find a question paper. Please download the paper to answer.
    2. You can write the answer in doc file/on paper/online box. You can also submit the link of your google drive.

    Date: October 17, 2021

    Time: 7 pm- 9 pm (2 Hours)

    Syllabus: Session 1 to 5

    Total Marks: 15

    Question type: Short notes/questions

  • Chapter 2 Writing Paragraphs. Contents Contents 4 I. Structure of Paragraph  4 II. Characteristics of Paragraph 4 III. Patterns of Paragraph  Development. - ppt download

    In order to write a good paragraph, students need to understand the four essential elements of paragraph writing and how each element contributes to the whole. The four elements essential to good paragraph writing are: unity, order, coherence, and completeness. In this class the teacher acts as an online writing tutor to help students build writing skills by focusing on the fundamentals. And nothing in the writing process is more fundamental than writing a solid paragraph. 

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Correct structure of a paragraph
    2. Coherence and cohesion 
    3. How to write academically correct paragraph

    Learning Outcomes: After this session, the students will be able to...
    1. Write a paragraph with strong structure
    2. Write with coherence and cohesion

  • Daily English Conversation Practice | Listening and Speaking | Questions  and Answers | English 4K - YouTube

    To build your vocabulary and develop your English communication skills, practice and study are essential. Working through practice activities and regularly reviewing the new language you learn can help you accelerate your knowledge and understanding of English.

    Objectives: To practice...
    1. Speaking and listening skills
    2. To learn about the format of ielts speaking and listening skills

    Learning outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to...
    1. Speak in English
    2. Understand English Speech
    3. Get an idea about ielts format

  • Kinds of Paragraphs - Descriptive - Narrative - Persuasive - Explanatory

    Because there are four paragraph types — narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive—the paragraph can be used to describe or explain an endless variety of things. It’s important to know how to use each paragraph type for the right purpose, though. Narrative paragraphs tell about a scene or event, descriptive paragraphs give vivid descriptions of one subject, expository paragraphs provide information, and persuasive paragraphs try to convince the reader. These four paragraph types are powerful tools for writers.

    Objectives: To learn about...

    1. Different types of paragraph
    2. Structure of different types of paragraphs
    3. Four types of paragraph

    Learning Outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to...

    1. Write and identify different types of paragraphs
    2. Know when and where to use these paragraphs based on the situation

  • The writing process — Rubida Communications

    Paragraphs are the building blocks of papers. Many students define paragraphs in terms of length: a paragraph is a group of at least five sentences, a paragraph is half a page long, etc. In reality, though, the unity and coherence of ideas among sentences is what constitutes a paragraph. A paragraph is defined as “a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit” (Lunsford and Connors 116). Length and appearance do not determine whether a section in a paper is a paragraph. For instance, in some styles of writing, particularly journalistic styles, a paragraph can be just one sentence long. Ultimately, a paragraph is a sentence or group of sentences that support one main idea. In this handout, we will refer to this as the “controlling idea,” because it controls what happens in the rest of the paragraph.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Structure of a paragraph
    2. All the steps of writing
    3. How do I decide what to put in a paragraph?

    Learning Outcome: After the session, the students will be able to...
    1. Write a well structured paragraph
    2. Follow all the steps while writing a paragraph
    3. Decide what to put in a paragraph

  • Schema Theory and Reading Comprehension - WeHaveKids

    The process of comprehending text begins before children can read when someone reads a picture book to them. They listen to the words, see the pictures in the book, and may start to associate the words on the page with the words they are hearing and the ideas they represent. In order to learn comprehension strategies, students need modelling, practice, and feedback.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Comprehending meaning from a text
    2. Different strategies of reading comprehension
    3. Finding out short/broad answers
    4. Reading for specific information

    Learning Outcomes: After this session, the students will be able to...
    1. Comprehend any text written in English
    2. Summarize and paraphrase
    3. Find out specific information from a text

  • Syllabus: Paragraph Writing

    Date: 09/11/2021- Tuesday

    Time: 7pm to 9pm

  • Instructions and Syllabus will be updated soon.

  • Introduction:
    The exercises we have here are organized in such a way that the students will concentrate on only one thing (e.g. organization, grammar, vocabulary choice, etc.) at a time. For each type of mistake, we first repeat the information presented in detail in Paragraph Development and The Essay and then provide a writing exercise about it. For each type,  the student first sees the original writing. Then, he corrects the writing by typing in the text box provided and then sees the teacher-corrected version. The teacher-corrected version is only a suggestion. There may be many ways to correct a mistake. The examples given here are all original beginner level papers.

    Objectives: To learn about...

    1. Writing paragraphs practically in class
    2. The structure and format of a paragraph

    Learning Outcome: After the session, the students will be able to...
    1. Write any type of paragraph
    2. Use the proper structure based on the type
    3. Get live feedback from the teacher

  • Gazette Update: Use of the Right Form of Verbs

    The verbs are the most variable element of the sentences. The right form of verb encompasses most of the grammatical rules of the English language. Every element of a sentence eventually relates to the verb. The verbs appear differently in a sentence on the basis of their subjects (subject-verb agreement), tenses, moods, voices, different structures, modals, etc.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Right Forms of Verbs: Rules with Examples

    Learning Outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to...
    1. Use the rules of the right form of verbs and use those correctly


    Speaking and listening are the foundations of literacy in the content areas, yet explicit instruction in communication and conversation skills rarely occurs after elementary school. The inclusion of standards for speaking and listening in the revised Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and the Common Core underscores the need to teach our students how to express themselves clearly, creatively, and for a variety of purposes, how to listen thoughtfully, how to question, and how to learn from each other.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Different strategies of listening and speaking skills
    2. Understanding meaning while listening to anything in English
    3. Many speaking strategies

    Learning Outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to...

    1. Understand English speech
    2. Get the message clearly
    3. Implement speaking and listening strategies in real life.

  • 12 Verb Tenses in English Grammar (Definition, Formula & Examples) -  EnglishGrammarSoft

    Many English learners worry too much about tense. If you stopped 100 native English speakers in the street and asked them about tense, 1 of them might give you an intelligent answer - if you were lucky. The other 99 would know little about terms like "past perfect" or "present continuous". And they would know nothing about aspect, voice or mood. But they can all speak fluent English and communicate effectively. Of course, for ESL it helps to know about tenses but don't become obsessed with them. Be like those native speakers! Speak naturally!

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Present, past and future tense
    2. Rules of using these tense
    Learning Outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to...
    1. Use present, past and future tense properly
    2. Be grammatically correct

  • IELTS READING-Tips and Tricks To Improve Band


    The process of comprehending text begins before children can read when someone reads a picture book to them. They listen to the words, see the pictures in the book, and may start to associate the words on the page with the words they are hearing and the ideas they represent. In order to learn comprehension strategies, students need modelling, practice, and feedback.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Comprehending meaning from a text
    2. Different strategies of reading comprehension
    3. Finding out short/broad answers
    4. Reading for specific information

    Learning Outcomes: After this session, the students will be able to...
    1. Comprehend any text written in English
    2. Summarize and paraphrase
    3. Find out specific information from a text

  • Free Vector | Presentation word concept

    • Prepare PowerPoint slides/ any online material on any topic of the course.
    • Take a class using google meet on that topic. You can keep your friends in the class or take the class alone.
    • You must share the screen and speak in English while taking the class.
    • You can show your face if you want but not mandatory.
    • Record the class/session. If you do not have access to the computer, take help from your friends to record the class.
    • Submit the link of the recording of the class here.
    • Your PowerPoint Slides will be counted as ASSIGNMENT
    • Your 'Online class' will be counted as PRESENTATION

    Marking rubrics: 

    • Fluency in English- 02
    • The idea of the content: 02
    • Teaching style: 02
    • Time limit: 02
    • Content quality in the slides: 2.5
    • Accuracy in grammar: 2.5

    Total marks: 13 (Presentation 8+ Assignment 5)

    Duration: 10 to 15 minutes 

    Deadline: December 10, 2021

  • 138 common linking words for the IELTS test - IELTS Practice Online (Band 9)

    Connecting words and phrases in the English language is one area you will need to master, as you are learning the language. The English language is difficult, but hopefully, this short article will help you understand how to use linking words and phrases correctly. Words and phrases need to be connected for a variety of reasons. For example, you may want to make a comparison, contrast, show purpose or demonstrate condition. Most of the connectives, words that form the connection, are used to join two clauses together or start a new sentence expanding on the previous statement.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Linking words in English

    Learning outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to ...
    1. Use linking words properly

  • Conditionals | Grammar | EnglishClub

    Conditional sentence definition: A conditional sentence is a type of sentence that states a condition and the outcome of that condition occurring. Conditional sentences are made up of a dependent clause and an independent clause joined to express said condition.

    Objectives: To learn...
    1. Four types of conditional sentences
    2. How to use conditional sentences in academic as well as in real life

    Learning Outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to use...
    1. Zero conditional 
    2. First conditional
    3. Second conditional
    4. Third conditional

  • Quote Vs Paraphrase Vs Summary: Which Is Better?


    In contrast, a summary is a brief overview of an entire discussion or argument. You might summarize a whole research paper or conversation in a single paragraph, for example, or with a series of bullet points, using your own words and style. People often summarize when the original material is long, or to emphasize key facts or points. Summaries leave out detail or examples that may distract the reader from the most important information, and they simplify complex arguments, grammar and vocabulary. Used correctly, summarizing and paraphrasing can save time, increase understanding, and give authority and credibility to your work. Both tools are useful when the precise wording of the original communication is less important than its overall meaning.

    Objectives: To learn about...

    1. Summarization
    2. Paraphrasing
    3. Why and when to use these two 
    Learning Outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to...
    1. Summarize
    2. paraphrase

  • IELTS Reading Practice Test 2021 - Reading Passages and Samples


    The process of comprehending text begins before children can read when someone reads a picture book to them. They listen to the words, see the pictures in the book, and may start to associate the words on the page with the words they are hearing and the ideas they represent. In order to learn comprehension strategies, students need modelling, practice, and feedback.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Comprehending meaning from a text
    2. Different strategies of reading comprehension
    3. Finding out short/broad answers
    4. Reading for specific information

    Learning Outcomes: After this session, the students will be able to...
    1. Comprehend any text written in English
    2. Summarize and paraphrase
    3. Find out specific information from a text

  • English Speaking Practice for Beginners - 25 Daily English Conversations -  YouTube

    Speaking and listening are the foundations of literacy in the content areas, yet explicit instruction in communication and conversation skills rarely occurs after elementary school. The inclusion of standards for speaking and listening in the revised Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks and the Common Core underscores the need to teach our students how to express themselves clearly, creatively, and for a variety of purposes, how to listen thoughtfully, how to question, and how to learn from each other.

    Objectives: To learn about...
    1. Different strategies of listening and speaking skills
    2. Understanding meaning while listening to anything in English
    3. Many speaking strategies

    Learning Outcomes: After the session, the students will be able to...

    1. Understand English speech
    2. Get the message clearly
    3. Implement speaking and listening strategies in real life.

  • Highlighted

    Instructions will be given soon.

  • Instructions and details of final exam will be updated accordingly.