Topic outline

  • Introduction


    Daffodil International University

    Department of Computer Science and Engineering

  • Week 1: Introduction

    Topics - Lesson 1
    • Introduction and motivation
    • Course outline discussion
    • Real-life application discussion
    Expected Learning Outcome
    • Orientation and sharing learning
    • Learning on using word applications
    • Learning on different parts of a computer

    Lecture Slide: Introduction

  • Week 2: Basic Computer Organization

    Topics - Lesson 2

    • The basic organization of computer systems
    • Demo of the computer motherboard
    • Doc creation using Microsoft Word
    • Video tutorial about what's inside the PC
    Expected Learning Outcome
    • Orientation and sharing learning
    • Learning on using word applications
    • Learning on different parts of a computer

    Lecture Slide: Basic Computer Organization

  • Week 3: I/O Devices

    Topics - Lesson 3

    • Input/Output (I/O) devices
    • Commonly used input devices
    • Commonly used output devices
    • Other concepts related to I/O devices
    Expected Learning Outcome
    • Identify and recognize computer I/O Devices.
    • Know the working principle of I/O Devices.

    Lecture Slide: I/O Devices

    • Week 4: Number System

      • Number System

      Learning Outcome
      • Learning on different number systems.

      Lecture Slide: Number Systems


      Lab Work: Topics

      • Building a student's own profile with Microsoft Word
      • Small task on Microsoft Excel

      Expected Learning Outcome

      • Skill development on handling document
      • Skill development on basic features of excel sheet
    • Lab Performance 1 : Date

        Opened: Wednesday, 22 February 2023, 12:00 AM
        Due: Friday, 3 March 2023, 11:59 PM
        Restricted Not available unless: You belong to any group
    • Week 5: Floating Point Arithmetic


      • Representation of Fixed Point and Floating Point

      Expected Learning Outcome
      • Learning on Floating-Point Representation
      • Ability to represent a fractional binary number

      Lab Work

      • Working with productivity package Excel 

      Expected Learning Outcome

      • Skills on working with productivity package Microsoft Excel

      • Completion Task - Floating Point Representation Assignment
        Opened: Wednesday, 1 March 2023, 12:00 AM
        Due: Friday, 10 March 2023, 11:59 PM
        Restricted Not available unless: You belong to any group
    • Week 6: Computer Arithmetic

      • Application of number systems
      • Binary Arithmetic- Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division
      • Addition and subtraction with two’s complement

      Learning Outcome
      • Understanding the need for Binary Arithmetic
      • Ability to add, sub, and other arithmetic operation
      • Learning on two’s complement representation
      • Ability to perform addition and subtraction using two’s complement

      Lecture Slide: Computer Arithmetic
      • Completion Task - Addition/Subtraction Assignment
        Opened: Monday, 20 February 2023, 12:00 AM
        Due: Friday, 24 February 2023, 11:59 PM
        Restricted Not available unless: You belong to any group
    • Discussion Review

      • Topics 
      1. Review Exercise
      2. Discussion before Midterm Exam
      3. Class Test-2

      • Learning Outcome
      1. Practice Exercise
      2. Know Progress
    • Week 9-10 : Midterm Exam


      Daffodil International University

      Department of Computer Science and Engineering



      Mid-Term Syllabus

      • Week 7: Logic Circuits

        Topics - Lesson 7

        • Basic Logic Gates (AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR)
        • Finding Boolean Expression of a Logic Circuit
        • Commonly Used I/O Devices
        Expected Learning Outcome
        • Learn the characteristics of Logic Gates.
        • Construct Logic Circuit from Boolean Expression.

        Lecture Slide: Logic Circuits

        • Week 8: Boolean Algebra

          Topics - Lesson 8

          • Boolean algebra
          • Fundamental concepts and basic laws of Boolean algebra
          • Boolean function and minimization
          • Logic gates
          • Logic circuits and Boolean expressions
          • Combinational circuits and design

          Lecture Slide: Boolean Algebra

          • Week 11: Processor and Memory

            Topics - Lesson 11

            • Internal structure of processor
            • Memory structure
            • Determining the speed of a processor
            • Different types of processors available
            • Determining the capacity of a memory
            • Different types of memory available
            • Several other terms related to the processor main memory of a computer system

            Lecture Slide: Processor and Memory 

            • Week 12: Secondary Storage

              Topics - Lesson 12

              • Secondary storage devices and their need
              • Classification of commonly used secondary storage devices
              • Commonly used mass storage devices
              • Difference between sequential and direct access storage devices

              Lecture Slide: Secondary Storage

              • Week 13: Computer Software

                Topics - Lesson 13

                • Term “Software” and its relationship with “Hardware”
                • Various types of software and their examples
                • Relationship among hardware, system software, application software, and users of a computer system
                • Firmware
                • Middleware

                Lecture Slide: Computer Software

                • Week 14: Operating System

                  Topics - Lesson 14

                  • Definition and need for operating system
                  • Main functions of an operating system
                  • Some popular operating systems

                  Lecture Slide: Operating System

                  • Week 15: Data Communication and Computer Networks

                    Topics - Lesson 15

                    • Basic elements of a communication system
                    • Techniques, channels, and devices used to transmit data between distant locations
                    • Types of computer networks
                    • Communication protocols and their use in computer networks

                    Lecture Slide: DCCN

                    • Week 16-17: Algorithms and Flowcharts


                      • Develop the logical concept of problem solving
                      • Pseudocode
                      • Flowchart

                      Learning Outcome
                      • Learn on thinking of problem solving
                      • Appreciate the needs for programming
                      • Ability to draw flowchart from pseudo code
                      • Ability to derive pseudocode from the flowchart

                      Lab Work

                      Learning Topic

                      • Practicing Microsoft Word and Powerpoint
                      • Working with shapes and connectors to build a flowchart

                      Expected Learning Outcome

                      • Skills in working with Word and PowerPoint
                      • Completion Task Assignment
                        Opened: Monday, 6 March 2023, 12:00 AM
                        Due: Friday, 10 March 2023, 11:59 PM
                        Restricted Not available unless: You belong to any group
                    • Week 18: Cyber Security

                      Topics - Lesson 18

                      • Lesson Text
                      • Lesson Text
                      • Lesson Text
                      • Lesson Text

                      Lecture Slide: Computer Security

                      Lecture Slide: Network Security

                      Lecture Slide: 2FA

                      Lecture Slide: Intellectual Property, ICT ACT and Digital security act

                      • Week 19: Variables to Operators

                        Topics - Lesson 18

                        • Computer languages or programming languages
                        • Commonly used programming language tools such as assembler, compiler, linker, and interpreter
                        • Concepts of object-oriented programming languages
                        • Three broad categories of programming languages machine, assembly, and high-level languages

                        Lecture Slide: Computer Language

                        Lecture Slide: C Variables & Data Types

                        Lecture Slide: C Printf Scanf

                        Lecture Slide: C Data Types & Modifiers

                      • Completion Task [Google Site Link]

                      • Week 19-20: Final Assessment


                        Daffodil International University

                        Department of Computer Science and Engineering

                        FINAL EXAM


                        Topics for Final:
                        1. Application of Front end and back end programming
                        2. Design pattern and Project Management
                        3. Basic about emerging technologies

                        • Course Completion Feedback

                          Hay there,

                          It was a nice journey with you. Hope you will implement your learning for the betterment and development of the world. Wish you all the very best.

                          Feedback Link:

                          This may take 2mins max. Complete the survey with your valuable suggestions:

                          Stay safe
                          Mushfiqur Rahman
                          Sr. Lecturer, Department of CSE, DIU