Course contents:
1. Introduction to microbiology: Microbiology as a field of biology, place of microorganisms in the living field, prokaryotic and eukaryotic, protists, groups of microorganisms, areas of microbiology, application of microbiology.
2. History and evolution of microbiology: Spontaneous generation and biogenesis, germs theory of diseases, pure culture concept, immunization, widening horizons.
3. Microscopic observations of microorganisms: Bright field, dark field, fluorescence and phase contrast microscopy, electron microscopy, preparations of microscopic examinations, wet mount and hanging drop techniques, fixed and stained smears, microbiological stains, simple and differential staining methods.
4.Bacteria: Nomenclature of bacteria, morphology and fine structures, nutritional requirements, bacteriological media, growth and reproduction, quantitative measurement of bacterial growth, maintenance and prevention of pure culture of bacteria, bacterial infection.
5.Yeasts: types, morphology, reproduction and physiology, pathogenic yeasts.
6.Rickettsiae: Introduction, characteristics of rickettsiae, pathogenic rickettsiae, laboratory diagnosis of rickettsial diseases.
7.Viruses: Virus inhibition, human and animal viruses, control of viral infections, bacterial virus or
bacteriophages, morphology and composition, cultivation of bacterial viruses, reproduction of bacterial viruses.
8.Basic concepts of immunology: Infections, pathogenicity and virulence, immunity.
Course learning objectives:
- Identify and describe the basic principles of pharmaceutical microbiology
- Participate in microbiological risk assessments for pharmaceutical and food products
- Develop expertise in identification, cultivation and counting of microorganisms, preparation
- and sterilization of bacterial culture, various staining techniques, aseptic processing etc.
- Apply their knowledge for research and development of antimicrobial agents
Teaching Strategy:
- Lecture,
- Discussion,
- Demonstration
- Brainstorming,
- Case Studies,
- Problem-based Learning (PBL)
- project
- Video clips,
- Cooperative Learning
Assessment strategy: