Topic outline

  • Welcome to Advanced Pharmacology

    Pharmacology is the study of how a drug affects a biological system and how the body responds to the  drug.

    The discipline encompasses the sources, chemical properties, biological effects and therapeutic     uses of drugs.

    These effects can be therapeutic or toxic, depending on many factors.

    The student will be able to report the clinical applications, side effects and toxicities of drugs used in  medicine. Few inter related areas of pharmacology:





  • Course Information:

    Name of the Course :  Advanced Pharmacology
    Course Code              :  MPH-513
    Program                     :  M. Pharm.

    • Course instructor


      Md. Anamul Haque

      Assistant Professor

      Department of Pharmacy

      Faculty of Allied Health Sciences

      Daffodil International University

      Dhaka, Bangladesh

      Cell Phone: 01767-290194


      ID: 710002372



      Personal Information

       Personal Web page                                                                


                               Google Scholar                    

                          Google site                                            

      • Instruction/Guidelines for the students:

        • All the students registered for this course have to enroll in Moodle.
        • Students can find all the course materials from Moodle.
        • All the students have to submit the soft copy of their "Assignment" in Moodle under assignment section created here and for this they will be graded here.
        • One discussion or feedback forum is created under each of the lecture Students have to give their feedback on these forum and marks will be given for their feedback
        • Any announcement regarding the class will be posted on Moodle. So they have to keep themselves always active on Moodle.
        • All the quizzes and presentation will be held on online (Moodle) and may be few of the class will be held on face to face class and it will be announced before the class.
        • The question pattern and the syllabus for the quizzes, midterm and final exam is given here under each of the section (quizzes, midterm and final).
        • There are Midterm and Final Examination presentation forum under these sections where students can discuss with each other about their midterm and final exam syllabus, any problem regarding the exam etc.

        • Course Details

          This subject deals with the scientific knowledge and updated information about foundational parts of the pharmacological sciences to opt for major drugs into correct therapeutic categories as a basis for rational disease therapy. It also deals with the study of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of various drugs.

          Course Learning Outcomes:
          •  Discuss different chemical and generic name of drugs, pathophysiology of diseases and treatment
          •  Apply rational best fit specific disease management
          • Justify pharmacotherapy in different condition
          •  Compare and contrast between different classes of drugs
          • Illustrate the functions and mechanism of action in different physiological systems
          • Apply the concept and principles of pharmacology to ensure proper use of drugs Calculate medication orders based on the given situation

          Course Content: 

          • Introduction to Advanced pharmacology 
          • Receptor Pharmacology
          • Neuropharmacology

          • Adverse Drug Reactions
          • Cardiovascular Pharmacology
          • Cancer Biology and Therapy
          • Ophthalmology
          • Bioinformatics
          • The Mechanism of Toxin Action
          • Reactive Intermediates
          • Screening of drugs for pharmacological activity

        • Recommended books

          • Chapter 1: Receptor pharmacology

            Learning Outcomes:

            • Discuss about different types of receptors.
            • Signal transduction mechanism and termination of receptor activity, regulation of receptor, their involvement in various biological processes including diseases resulting from receptor malfunction and their role in pharmaco-therapeutics.

            • Figure out the role of various neurotransmitters in body.
            •   Molecular and cellular mechanisms, pharmacological responses, or pathogenic role by their activation and clinical importance’s of: Glutamate receptors, GABA receptors, Catecholamine receptors (α-and β-adrenoceptors, dopamine receptors), Acetylcholine receptors (nicotinic and muscarinic receptors), 5-Hydroxytryptamine, Opioid receptors.

            Course Content
            a) Receptor types
            b) Signal transduction mechanism
            c) Mapping different receptor in human body 
            d) Their role in various diseases.

          • Chapter 2: Neuropharmacology

            Learning Outcomes:

            • Discussion about CNS.
            • Pathophysiology of CNS.
            • Figure out the pathophysiology of Neurodegenerative disorders -Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Neurodegenerative prion disease.
            • Pharmacotherapy for various  Neurodegenerative disorders.

            Course Content
            a) Basic introduction to CNS
            b) Pathophysiology of CNS and link with some diseases.
            c) Etiology and treatment of Neurodegenerative disorders -Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Neurodegenerative prion disease.

          • Mid term examination Fall 2020

            Wall High School

            Mid term  :
            Total marks: 30marks
            Total time: 40 minutes
             Chapter: i) Receptor pharmacology 
                             ii) Neuropharmacology

            Assessment Strategy:
            MCQ: 15
            True /False: 8
            Filling the gaps: 7
             Level 1: Sixteen questions relating to subjects topic and general idea.
             Level 2: Seven questions to judge understand ability of particular topics.
             Level 3: Four questions relating to elucidation of some pharmacological facts.
             Level 4: Three questions to assess students critical thinking.

          • Chapter 3:. Cardiovascular Pharmacology

            Learning Outcomes:

            a)  Enrich knowledge about Pathophysiology of heart

            b)  Understand drugs of heart diseases

            c)   Got idea about Nitric oxide its  Biosynthesis , control, degradation and carriage of nitric oxide, effects of nitric oxide, therapeutic use of nitric oxide.

            d)    Learn Transduction mechanisms as targets of drug action, voltage sensitive ion channels–structure and function, K+ channels, voltage sensitive Ca+2 channels and the pharmacology of their inhibitors, agonists at b-adrenoceptors, pharmacology of Na+/K+ ATPase and gap junctions

            Course Content

            a) Pathophysiology of heart

            b) Drugs of heart diseases

            c) Vasodilators: Nitric oxide - Biosynthesis of nitric oxide and its control, degradation and carriage of nitric oxide, effects of nitric oxide, therapeutic use of nitric oxide and nitric oxide donors, inhibition of nitric oxide, clinical conditions in which nitric oxide may play a part, etc.

            d) Ion channels, exchanger and pumps: Transduction mechanisms as targets of drug action, voltage sensitive ion channels–structure and function, K+ channels, voltage sensitive Ca+2 channels and the pharmacology of their inhibitors, agonists at b-adrenoceptors, pharmacology of Na+/K+ ATPase and gap junctions.

          • ASSIGNMENT

          • Chapter 4: Adverse Drug Reactions

            Learning outcome:

            • Describe different types of adverse drug reactions
            • Know about pharmacovigilance
            • Get idea about ADR monitoring.
            • Understand different type of ADR

            Topic contents:
            • Drug induced diseases-racial, ethnic and gender differences in response to drugs,, p

            • Type of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), 
            •  reporting ADRs
            • Pharmacovigilance, establishing cause and effect relationship and drug consumption. 
            • Methodologies for ADRs, Monitoring: spontaneous reporting, intensive hospital-based cohort studies, case control surveillance, prescription event monitoring.

          • QUIZ 2

            Intermiles Quiz Answer For August 27; Win 50 Miles By Answering These  Questions

          • Chapter 5:.Ophthalmology

            Learning outcome:

            • Introduce with ocular physiology. 
            • Learn about treatment of microbial and viral diseases of the eye.
            • Get idea about management of glucoma.

            Topic contents:

            • Overview of ocular physiology.

            • Chemotherapy of microbial and viral diseases of the eye.
            •  Steroid and other anti-inflammatory drugs.
            • Drugs used in the treatment of glaucoma, drugs affecting  pupil size.

          • QUIZ 3


            • Chapter 6: Bioinformatics

              Learning outcome:

              • Introduce with basic concept of bioinformatics.
              • Learn about  bioinformatics techniques for in drug discovery and development.
              • Get idea about the role of it in drug development.

              Topic contents:

              • Definition and concepts. importance of bioinformatics, bioinformatics in drug development and assessment; use of bioinformatics techniques for gene identification in drug discovery and development.

              •  Importance of bioinformatics.
              •  Bioinformatics in drug development and assessment.
              • Use of bioinformatics techniques for gene identification in drug discovery and development.

            • Chapter 7: Cancer Biology and Therapy

              Learning outcome: 

              Got idea about  biology of cancer, 
              Treatment options for cancer
              Learn about different pharmacological terms of cancer 

              Course content:

              Introduction to biology of cancer, 
              Modes of treatment: radio therapy, biological therapy including immunotherapy and gene therapy, chemotherapeutic targets 
              Abnormal tumor physiology, Growth factors p53 and apoptosis 

              Metastasis, carcinogenesis and genetic predisposition, diagnostic tests and prognostic factor, etc.

            • FINAL EXAM

              Total marks: 30marks

              Total time: 40 minutes

               Chapter: i) Cardiovascular pharmacology 

                               ii) Adverse drug reaction

                               iii) Bioinformatics

                               iv) Ocular pharmacology

              Assessment Strategy:

              MCQ: 15

              True /False: 8

              Filling the gaps: 7

               Level 1: Sixteen questions relating to subjects topic and general idea.

               Level 2: Seven questions to judge understand ability of particular topics.

               Level 3: Four questions relating to elucidation of some pharmacological facts.

               Level 4: Three questions to assess students critical thinking.

            • Lesson of life