Topic outline


    Welcome Video

    Course Summary

    Course Code: CE 315
    Course Title:   Design of Concrete Structures I

    In this course we will primarily deal with the  design of different concrete structures. Good Luck!! 

    ***OBE based Course Summary***


    This course integrates material from previous structural analysis and design courses and extends the knowledge and abilities of the students in structural behaviour and design. The general objectives are for students to develop an understanding of behaviour, and to develop abilities in design of reinforced concrete. To achieve these objectives, students apply their knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering while identifying, formulating, and solving structural design problems; the students design structural components to meet current code criteria. The techniques and skills used by the students  prepare them for engineering practice. 

    At the end of this course, students should be able to:

    • Explain the concept of USD and alternate (WSD) design methods for flexure and mechanics involved during different stages of a loaded beam ie. uncracked, cracked, failure.

    • Analyze and design different (singly reinforced, doubly reinforced and T-beam) reinforced concrete beams for flexure.

    • Understand the shear behavior and conduct shear design of reinforced concrete beams.

    • Sketch all types of reinforcement details of reinforced concrete beams that account for development length, anchorage, and splicing of reinforcing bars.

    • Analyze, design and detail one-way and two-way edge supported slabs.


    • Fundamental behavior of reinforced concrete
    • Introduction to strength design and alternate design methods
    • Flexural design of beams (singly reinforced, doubly reinforced, T-beams) using strength design method
    • Shear, diagonal tension and torsion of beams
    • Bond and anchorage
    • Design of one-way slab
    • Design of two-way edge supported slabs: using strip and alternate methods

    Prerequisites (Course requirements)

     Basic understanding of concrete and steel are expected. 

    Assessment Policy 

    A lot of activities including traditional quizzes will be used to access your performance.  To see the details of the assessment policy, Click here. 

    Reference Books 

    To see your reference book, click here

    Online class Information 

    Faculty Information

    Rayhan Md. Faysal
    Assistant Professor

    Department of Civil Engineering
    Daffodil International University 
    Phone: +8801552360614,+8801407893356
    For scheduling appointment Click here or see below

    Infographic out line of the course

  • Topic 1: Introduction to RCC


    Reinforced concrete (RC), also called reinforced cement concrete (RCC), is a composite material in which concrete's relatively low tensile strength and ductility are counteracted by the inclusion of reinforcement having higher tensile strength or ductility. This topic will introduce reinforced cement concrete (RCC) to the students.

    Lesson Objective

    • Understand the reinforced cement concrete (RCC) 
    • Learn the corresponding material behavior 

    Lesson Plan

    The topic objective will be met through the definition, example and subsequent mathematical example of the topic. The understanding of the student will be accessed by relevant forum discussion, quizzes and other activities.

  • Quiz 01


    Introduction to RCC 
    *** 15% mark will be counted from quizzes.

    • Quiz 01_Spring 2021
      Restricted Not available unless any of:
      • You belong to MC 191 Day
      • You belong to PC 191 Day
  • Topic 2: Cracking Moment


    Cracking moment denoted as (Mcr ) is defined as the moment, which when exceeded causes the cracking of concrete. This topic will deal with the cracking behaviour of concrete.

    Lesson Objective

    • Understand the cracking of concrete
    • Analyzing the cracking of concrete

    Lesson Plan

    The topic objective will be met through the definition, example and subsequent mathematical example of the topic. The understanding of the student will be accessed by relevant forum discussion, quizzes and other activities.  

  • Quiz 02

    Cracking Moment
    *** 15% mark will be counted from quizzes. Detailed evaluation criterion will be announced later.

    • View
    • View
  • Topic 3: Elastic Analysis of RC Beams


    The modulus of elasticity equation is used only under conditions of elastic deformation from compression or tension. This topic will deal with the application modulus of elasticity to analyze RCC beam.

    Lesson Objective

    • Understand the Elastic behaviour of beam 
    • Application of modulus of elasticity to analyze RCC beam

    Lesson Plan

    The topic objective will be met through the definition, example and subsequent mathematical example of the topic. The understanding of the student will be accessed by relevant forum discussion, quizzes and other activities.  
  • Topic 4: Rectangular beam Analysis


    The moment capacity of rectangular beam is a major concern for civil engineers This topic will deal with the determination of typical rectangular RCC beam.

    Lesson Objective

    • Understand the tensile and compression controlled zone  
    • Learn to determine the moment capacity of typical rectangular beam

    Lesson Plan

    The topic objective will be met through the definition, example and subsequent mathematical example of the topic. The understanding of the student will be accessed by relevant forum discussion, quizzes and other activities.  

  • Midterm


    • Topic 1: Introduction (to RCC)
    • Topic 2: Cracking Moment
    • Topic 3: Elastic analysis of RC beams
    • Topic 4: Rectangular beam analysis 

    ***25 % marks will be counted from Midterm. For detailed instruction, please click on the Midterm 183-D1 and PC tab.
    • View
  • Topic 5: Rectangular Beam Design


    Rectangular beam beam design requires to consider flexural load. The designer target is satisfy the moment requirement. This topic will deal with the design of typical rectangular RCC beam.

    Lesson Objective

    • Understand about reinforcement ratio and its application 
    • Learn to design the rectangular beam.

    Lesson Plan

    The topic objective will be met through the definition, example and subsequent mathematical example of the topic. The understanding of the student will be accessed by relevant forum discussion, quizzes and other activities.

  • Quiz 03

    15 % marks will be counted from quizzes. You have to answer all the questions.

  • Topic 6: Shear design of beam


    Design shear stresses generally act along planes perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of a member. These stresses, either alone or in combination with normal stresses, create principal tensile stresses that can lead to sudden failure. This topic will deal with the countering of shear forces in the beam.

    Lesson Objective

    • Understand the failure mechanism due to shear   
    • Learn to determine the shear capacity of typical rectangular beam
    • Learn to design the shear reinforcement for a typical rectangular beam

    Lesson Plan

    The topic objective will be met through the definition, example and subsequent mathematical example of the topic. The understanding of the student will be accessed by relevant forum discussion, quizzes and other activities.  

  • Quiz 04

    15 % marks will be counted from quizzes. You have to answer all the questions.

  • Topic 7: Design of one way slabs


    One way slab is a slab which is supported by beams on the two opposite sides to carry the load along one direction. The ratio of longer span (l) to shorter span (b) is equal or greater than 2, considered as One way slab because this slab will bend in one direction i.e in the direction along its shorter span. This topic will deal with the design of a typical One way slab.

    Lesson Objective

    • Understand the forces acting in a slab  
    • Learn to design a typical one way slab

    Lesson Plan

    The topic objective will be met through the definition, example and subsequent mathematical example of the topic. The understanding of the student will be accessed by relevant forum discussion, quizzes and other activities.  

  • Presentation

     ****Be smart, be confident and be successful ***

  • Topic 8: Doubly Reinforced Beam


    If steel bar is provided to the compression zone of the beam as well as in the tension zone of the beam, the resulting beam is known as Doubly reinforced beam. It is provided to increase the moment of resistance of a beam having limited dimensions. This topic will deal with the analysis of a typical Doubly reinforced beam.

    Lesson Objective

    Lesson Plan

    The topic objective will be met through the definition, example and subsequent mathematical example of the topic. The understanding of the student will be accessed by relevant forum discussion, quizzes and other activities.  

  • Final


    Final assessment plan:

    ***40 % marks will be counted from Final. You have answer all the questions.