Topic outline

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         Department of Civil Engineering

         Daffodil International  University


    Students Guideline for DIU BLC (Moodle):

    Students can also access the guideline from the:  DIU Blended Learning Center.

    I would suggest you to see this tutorial for getting enrolled in BLC- 


    MC 181 DE11 & DE12 -  pkulb5q


    • Introduction to CE 452:Transportation Engineering Lab II

      Guideline for the courses

      • All the registered students for this course have to enroll in Moodle
      • Students will find all course materials from moodle 
      • All the students have to submit the soft copy of their "Assignment" in Moodle under the assignment section created here and for this they will be graded here .
      • One discussion or feedback forum is created under each of the lecture.
      • Students have to give their feedback on these forum and marks will be given posted on Moodle. So the have keep themselves always active on Moodle.
      • All the quizzes will be held on the face to face class.
      • The question pattern for the quizzes will be given below under each section of quiz.
      • There are quiz instruction forum under the sections students can discuss with each other regarding the exam.
      Course Educational Objectives: : To introduce 

      • Learn to design, organize and conduct a traffic survey work and also to conduct work simultaneously and quickly.
      • Learn Elementary Design of Highway and Airport Pavement
      Course Outcomes: The student will be able to
      • Handle the planning, design, construction, and operation of highways, roads, and other vehicular facilities 
      • Estimate the transportation needs of the public and then secure the funding for projects
      • Analyze locations of high traffic volumes and high collisions for safety and capacity
      • Use engineering principles to improve the transportation system.
      Course Plan

      Week 1:   Introductory Class and Traffic Volume Study
      Week 2:   Group Submission and Presentation on Traffic Volume Study

      Week 3:   Traffic Speed Study
      Week 4:   Group Submission and Presentation  on Speed Study
      Week 5:   Roadway Condition Survey
      Week 6:    Group Submission and Presentation  on Roadway Condition Survey
      Week 7:   Lab assessment 1
      Week 8:   Joint Details of Rigid Pavement
      Week 9:   Group Submission and Presentation  on  Joint Details of Rigid Pavement
      Week 10: Lab assessment 2 

      Week 11:  Design of Flexible Pavement
      Week 12:  Lab assessment 3
      Week 13:  Airport Pavement Design
      Week 14:  Lab assessment 4

      Assessment Strategies:

         Attendance 10                Grading scaleLetter Grade
         Lab performance 25                     80 - 100A+
        Lab Report 25                75-79A
        Final 40                70-74A-

      Recommended Reading:


      • Lecture 1: Traffic Volume Study

        Objectives of this lecture:

        • Traffic counting in heterogeneous condition.

        Lecture Outcomes:

        At the end of this lecture, students will be able to

        • Learn to count unified traffic stream
        • Understand the concept of Passenger Car Unit


      • This topic

        Lecture 2 : Group Submission

        Topics: Traffic Volume Study

      • Lecture:3: Traffic Speed Study

        Objectives of this lecture:

        • Understand  time mean speed and space mean speeds.

        Lecture Outcome:

        At the end of this lecture,students will be able to

        • Understand Delay for each type of vehicle .
        • Learn to  draw speed (space-mean)-Flow curve based on observed data .

        Lecture Contents:

      • Lecture 4: Group Submission and Presentation

        Topics: Traffic Speed Study

      • Lecture 5: Roadway Condition Survey

        Objectives of this lecture:

        • to observe geometric and operating condition of roadway

        Lecture Outcome:

        At the end of this lecture,students will be able to

        • Learn to draw the detailed layout of roadway and intersection
        • Identify the location of bottlenecks (side road, parking, pedestrian concentrations, dust bins, speed breakers etc.), street light arrangement, control devices etc.

        Lecture Contents:

        • Group Submission: Roadway Condition Survey

          Topics: Roadway Condition Survey

        • Lab Report: Joints Details of Rigid Pavement

          Topics: Joint Details of Rigid 

          Deadline: 4th April, 2021

        • Lecture 11:Design of Flexible Pavement

          Objectives of this lecture:

          • Understand Function of Slab as structural member.

          Lecture Outcome:

          At the end of this lecture,students will be able to

          • Understand classification of Slab.
          • Learn construction procedure of Slab.

          Lecture Contents:

          • Slab Types and its construction technique.

        • Final Examination

          Date: 12h of April. 2021

          Time: 7:00pm - 9:30pm

          Duration: 2 hr

          Questions Type: Short question and mathematical problems


          1. Solve the mathematical question and answer the short questions in your notebook or khata.
          2. Take picture of the answers of short questions and mathematical question solutions.
          3. Make one PDF of your answer scripts images.
          4. Then upload the PDF in Final Assessment_Spring 2021 
          5. Only one PDF file will be accepted. Multiple files will be rejected.
          6. Keep your resolution low while talking the pictures otherwise the file size will be more than 5mb. Remember that BLC can only accept files with sizes up to 5mb
          7. If the file size still too large, then upload in Google Drive and paste the link in Final Assessment_Spring 2021 
          8. For late submission use this Late Submission portal which will be opened up to 10:00pm. After 2hrs, all the submissions will be penalized accordingly.