Write down 2 benefits of Computer?
1. Multitasking is one of the major advantages of the computer. A person can perform multiple tasks, multiple operations, calculate numerical problems within few seconds. The computer can perform trillions of instructions per second.
2.Protecting digital data is known as data security. Computers provides security from destructive forces and from unwanted actions from unauthorized users like cyber-attack or access attack.
2 of them for me -
1. It can store vast amounts of information and reduce waste.
2. It saves time. You can get connected to anything through internet.
2. Reduced transportation cost.
2. Can store vast amounts of information and reduce waste.
1. Expanding communication
2. Can store massive amounts of information and save time
The advent of the Internet and its proliferation have force-multiplied the usage of computers. People all over the world are able to communicate,
engage, and interact with each other using IM, email, blogs, online forums, social media, and other options.
2. Furthering education:
Whether you’re taking a class online, researching for a paper, or sharing work via the cloud, computer science pros have helped make this possible.
2. A computer system can use its stored information more appropriately as compared to another device.
1.Learned many things
2.Learned those things at home
2. Internet : Internet is a big part of todays world. Communication between one part to another part of the world possible through web. Computer helps us to grab this opportunity of the power of internet.
2. Proper implementation of applied science.
Re: Write down 2 benefits of Computer?
2. More than one task can be done by computer at a time.
2. It can store information.
2) Help to do calculation faster.
2. We can get connected through internet using computer and make our life more easier.
2. education
2. It helps in many research works for its high computational power.
1. We can keep a lot of data in one place by using Excel software on the computer
2. We can create software using computers
Get a good understading data.
1. A computer can do multiple task together.
2. We can know any information quickly via computer which is saves our time.
2. The coders easily can generated the codes with various platform through the computers.
2.Keep us entertainment.
1. It helps to communicate with others.
2. It is also useful for the education system.
1. We can do many hard task easily.
2. We can store huge amount of information.
1. Mathematical calculation can be done in a minutes.
2. A large of information can be stored in computer.
1. Quick computing.
2. Multitasking.
2.we can collect data easily by computer.
1. Increase productivity.
2.We can search information.
- In computer we can save huge data within a low budget.
- In computer we can work multiple task at the same time.
2.Save time
1)It gives entertainment by listening song or watching movies;
2)It is a great learning tool for learners.
1.Faster and calculates more complex calculations than most people are capable of.
2.File sharing over large networks.
1.Increase our productivity.
2.Can store vast amounts of information and reduce waste.
1. Get a better understanding of data.
2. Keeps us connected.
1. Connects us to the Internet
2. Gives us entertainment
1. It can solve problem in a very small time, which can't be solved by human years by years.
2. It saves our valuable time and makes our life easier.
Benefits of Computer:
1. Store Capability: Computers are capable of storing and accessing vast amounts of information. It's able to store books, documents, movies, pictures, and songs. We can quickly find which is our need.
2. Multitasking: Nowadays, we feel comfortable if we can do many works at a time. It does help to save time. So we can say that the computer has this capability to perform it. Like when we are listening to music, at the same time, we can work ms word or photoshop.
2.It can save time
1. It can perform multitasking and
2. It has fester communication capability.
2.Computers connect us to the world.
2.computer makes our work more easier.
The computer connected to the Internet is a great learning tool and something that helps answer almost any question, teaching you anything that interests you.
2.Improves your abilities:
Are you not the best speller, have poor grammar, not great at math, don't have a great memory, or need help with something else? Using a computer improves all your abilities, or if you have a hard time learning, you can rely on the computer as an assistant.
1) One of the greatest benefit of computer is that it connects us with the internet. Without the help of internet it would not be possible for mankind to reach this stage of science and other fields. With the help of internet we can tell that the whole world is at our finger tip.
2) With help of computer now we can earn our livings by staying at home. It helped a lot to many people.
2.We use computer for multitasking.
1. We can calculate more accurately and reduce calculation time by using computer.
2. We can learn anything from anywhere in the world.
2- store multiple data and calculate multiple operation at any time with less time.
2. Connect us to the internet that revolutionized the world.
2. Computer can be an excellent element for those who are physically challenged.
2.Help you learn and keep you informed
Many of the benifits are with a computer.2 most important benifits are written below:
(1) When computers are connected to the internet or it is disconnect, computers are dexterous of storing and obtain huge amount of information.It also can store many songs, videos, movies, documents, books, pictures, data and files.
(2)Computers also help to keep us connected with long distance relation with family and friends over Social Networking and E-mai. By the benifits of computer nowdays Skype, Whats app, Facebook, Viber are very famous for connected with millions of people.
2. Computer helps us managing things/people, for example: student/patient management systems.
1. Allows for better communication and connections
2. Completes tasks that might be impossible for humans to complete
1.Computers are capable of storing and accessing vast amounts of information.
2.Computers increase your productivity and, with a good understanding of the software running on them, you become more productive at everything you do.
Protecting digital data
2.It improves employment options.
2. Data and Information processing efficiency.
1. Helps sort, organize, and search through information.
2. Get a better understanding of data.
2.Computer reduce the human time and performed many calculation.
1. Efficient Multitasking
2. Less Time consuming
1. It is very easy for us to communicate from anywhere to any part of the world
2.Most common example are now that our online classes. we do our every work through computer internet.
2. online tutoring
1. Multitasking is one of the major advantages of the computer. A person can perform multiple tasks, multiple operations, calculate numerical problems within few seconds. The computer can perform trillions of instructions per second.
2.Protecting digital data is known as data security. Computers provides security from destructive forces and from unwanted actions from unauthorized users like cyber-attack or access attack.
1. Computers increase your productivity and, with a good understanding of the software running on them, you become more productive at everything you do.
2. Computers are capable of storing and accessing vast amounts of information.
1. Computer can store many data so when we need any data we can get it from the computer if we stored it before.
2. Computer helps us in our education. We can study using computer through Internet.
1. Can do tasks 100% accurately for a long time without being tired.
2. Can handle any kind of large data in a computer which is so much tough in paper to handle.
Two benefits of Computer are:-
1. We can store vast amounts of data
2. Enhancing our knowledge using computer
1.Increase your productivity:
Computers increase productivity and with a good understanding of the software running on them, we become more productive at everything to do. For example, a basic understanding of using a word processor, we can create, store, edit, share, and print documents and letters.
2.Improves our employment options:
Knowing how to use a computer and having a computer can improve our employment options and allow to work from home. For example, in the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic situation surrounding all Over the world many offices needed their employees to work from home. Knowing how to use a computer and having a computer at home allowed many office workers to continue their work even during the crisis. So that is a great things to earn from home safely.
1. We can store vast amount of information and can reduce waste of time.
2. It keeps us connected within the world.
(1) It helps us in education and learning.
(2) It helps us in research, scientific calculations, discovery, invention etc.
1. It can do any work very fastly and can do some task at a time.
2. It helps us to communicate with others very easily by internet .
2. Computer can store vast amounts of information and reduce waste.
1. We can store important files in computer and it’seasy to access
2. We can earn money also by working on many sites
1. We can store important files in computer and it’s easy to access
2. We can earn money also by working on many sites
1.Get a better understanding of data. ...
2.Keeps you connected
1. It contributes in every major sector like business, health, education etc by tracking and storing data.
2. Communication.
1.Helps sort, organize, and search through information: A computer can use its stored information more efficiently than any other device.
2.Help you learn and keep you informed: The computer connected to the Internet is a great learning tool and something that helps answer almost any question, teaching you anything that interests you.
We can solve a big or esoteric program or problem by computer.
The computer improves our employment options and can work from home.
It can save time, cost, space, etc.
1.easy communication in any sectors
2.learning methods & flexibility of working sites
2.Increase productivity.
3.Save time
2.It is used as a communication medium in our daily life
2.It is used as a communication medium in our daily life
2. Can store vast amounts of information and reduce waste
1. One of the main benefits of computers is multitasking.
2. It is a solution at a low cost. With a low budget, individuals can save tremendous records. The big benefit that can minimize costs is a consolidated data management database.
1.Learned many things
2.flexible communication
1.. Computers connect us to the world of unknown.
2.. Computers increase our productivity
It helps us to communicate with others very easily by internet .
2.Computer can hold information in greater amounts then anything else.
2. Communication.
2. It helps to gather knowledge about anything. It mainly a thing full of information.
2. A good station of using internet
1. Quick access to knowledge and education.
2. Communication is much easier.
1.Can store immense measures of data and decrease squander
2.Increment my profitability
1. It upgrades correspondence and accessibility of data.
2. It takes into consideration more helpful asset sharing.
2. Internet connectivity
1. Save time.
2. It helps us in education and learning.
2. A computer can automate most imaginable tasks.
1. Free resource and knowledge can gain.
2. Time saving and open knowledge available
Many organizations using computers to store data of their customers. Example-Banks use computers for managing and financial transaction.
2.Information Gathering:
we can search for any information through the internet on the computer. All information is passed on the internet on the computer.
#we can know everything which is happening in the world
2. We can store huge information and reduce waste.
1. It can calculate faster than humans.
2. It can store data for a long time.
1. Increase Productivity: It it increase your productivity in less time.
2. Store vast amounts of information and reduce waste: It can be a store a lot of information in a little time which save our time.
1. Using computer we can earn money.
2. Computer saves our time.
1. Communication and
2. Transportation
2.Connects on the internet to get all things, and get information.
2.Computer can store massive amounts of information and reduce waste and connect us to the internet.
2. Help us in research and problem-solving.