Week 2 Privacy Forum

big brother is watching u,justify your answer

big brother is watching u,justify your answer

by Ismail Hossain -
Number of replies: 0

Big brother is watching you means, it can be watching us or me every single time when i connect with internet. Nowdays everyone using internet and also wifi is available everywhere. When we are searching something, browsing something, uploading any picture or in video calling, everything is recorded in google.Because google need data that's why they store every data.Even if we uploads something in any apps or Facebook  and sometimes later we remove this, it also recorded in google for the rest of life.It's never remove.When we will die that's time it will not distroy.Everytime what i am doing or not doing in internet, google records everything.By using internet google and our nearest persons can take or record our very much personal data in many ways.This data and informations can be very harmful for our personal life.That's why everyone said that, "Big Brother Is Watching You".