

by Zarin Tasnim -
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RRR: RRR means Rules, Responsibility and Respect. Using RRR we describe computer ethics. Brief description of RRR is given below:

Rules : Here, rules means which work is right and which work is wrong. We use rules for describe computer ethics.
Responsibility: When we will do any work we will do it from our liability. This is called responsibility.
Respect: Maintain the rules, we have to do our work .So that people give respect.

We use rules, responsibility and respect  for describe computer ethics.

Difference between Teleology and Deontology is given below:

Teleology: The goal of a work is called teleology. Here, The goal is highlighted. Here intermediate approach is doesn't matter.

Deontology: In deontology, Intermediate approach is do matter. It's define which work is right and which work is wrong. It's highlighted the present work.