RRR: The 3R's stands for
Rules: This means which work is right and which work isn't right, and doing what I am supposed to do.
Responsibility: It means that all that I say and do is of my own choosing. I am accountable for my actions.
Respect: This means that taking pride in all that I do while recognizing the rights, feelings, private space of others. Respect call on us to respect the intrinsic dignity of all other people .
Difference between Teleology and Deontology:
Teleology: Teleology is the study of goals, purposes and ends. Here middle methodology doesn't matter. Goodness and badness is determine by its result. Teleology only focus on the goal.
Deontology: Focusing on rightness or wrongness of actions without any other consideration. Goodness or badness is determine by its action. Action should be based on whether that action is right or wrong, rather than based on the consequences of the action.