What is RRR? What is the difference between teleology and deontology

What is RRR? What is the difference between teleology and deontology

by Md Riazul Islam -
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. RRR RRR of ethics represent that Rules, Responsibility and Respect.

Rules: Rules define my work is right or wrong.

Responsibility: I have to full-filled my responsibility in the rules.

Respect: Respect define that I get that honor for doing a a good job.


Differnce between Teleology and Deontology:

i)Teleology is known as the result oriented ethics. I achieved my goal right or wrong way it doesn't matter for teleology. But Deontology is known as the duty based ethics. Deontology ethics main things which way I used for my goal achieved, It's right or wrong.

ii)Goodness or badness determined by the result for teleology but deontology goodness or badness determined by the action.