What is RRR? Difference between Teleology and Deontology?

What is RRR? Difference between Teleology and Deontology?

by Most. Nure Yesmin -
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1.  RRR: RRR of ethics means Rules, Responsibility and Respect.

    i) Rules: Rules means which work is right or which work is wrong.

    ii) Responsibility: When I do my work, I do it according to the rules.

    iii) Respect: Respect is defined that show esteem or honor for someone  when he/she does work in responsibility.

2. Difference between Teleology and Deontology:

        Teleology : Teleology defines focus on the work goal. The way of achieve goal can be right or wrong it doesn’t                              matter on teleology. Right or wrong is determined by the results or outcome.

        Deontology:  Deontology  focus that the way of achieve goals that either the way is right way or wrong.                                           Mainly it focus on the right way of achieve the goal. Right or wrong is determined by the action.