what is RRR? difference between teleology and deontology

what is RRR? difference between teleology and deontology

by Fahim Mahmud Akber 171-15-8984 -
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The required rate of return (RRR) is the minimum amount of profit (return) an investor will seek or receive for assuming the risk of investing in a stock or another type of security.

Deontology and Teleology are both terms used in philosophy. The word Deontology is derived from Greek. It is made from the words deon, which means duty and logos, which stands for study or science. Thus, Deontology is the study of duty. It is a part of a philosophy that covers ethics and explains aspects such as what is forbidden and what is permitted.

Teleology, on the other hand, is made from words telos, which stands for purpose or result and logos, which means study or science. Thus, Teleology is the study of end goals and results. It is focused on the purpose instead of the causes by which those purposes originate.  There are debates about whether nature has teleology or not. Some believe that there are beings that survive without any purpose.