Feedback on What is RRR?And the difference between teleology and deontology?

Feedback on What is RRR?And the difference between teleology and deontology?

by Asma Akhter 171-15-9311 -
Number of replies: 0

*The word RRR is the short form of Rules Responsibility Respect which is need in modern  organisation(Ethics,Integrity and behaviour).

*Difference between teleology and deontology are given below:

  1)Teleology is concerned with ends and primarily focus on what is right or wrong of actions by testing it’s consequences. On the other hand,

Deontology is Concerned with duty and primarily focus on what is right or wrong of actions by themselves without any consequences.

2)In Teleology there not be always  possibility of consequences of actions where in Deontology offers rigid and objectivity.

3)The theory of Teleology is moral right or moral wrong is dependent on the outcome of an actions but the theory of Deontology is not dependent on the outcome of an actions.