Interactive Discussion Forum on Lecture-01; Introduction to PHIEC

Interactive Discussion Forum on Lecture - 1 Introduction to PHIEC

Interactive Discussion Forum on Lecture - 1 Introduction to PHIEC

by nasreen akter -
Number of replies: 1

 1. Public health is "the science and art of preventing disease", prolonging healthy life an improving quality of life through organized efforts and informed choices of society , organizations (public and private), communities  and individual.

 "Health care is vital to all of us some of the time, but public health is vital to all of us all of the time."

2. The public health approach involves defining and measuring the problem, determining the cause or risk factors for the problem, determining how to prevent or ameliorate the problem, and implementing effective strategies on a larger scale and evaluating the impact.

The 4 Step Public Health Approach was developed by the CDC. The steps are: 

  1. Define and monitor the problem. 

 2. Identify risk and protective factors.

3. Develop and test prevention strategies and

4. Assure widespread adoption.