Course Discussion Forum

Do there any alternative Markup exist which can be rendered in browser instead of HTML?-my own explanation

Do there any alternative Markup exist which can be rendered in browser instead of HTML?-my own explanation

by 181-15-11173 Md. Mahadi Hasan Sany -
Number of replies: 1

  • WackoWiki
  • Org-mode
  • LaTeX
  • DokuWiki
  • Markdown
This are alternative markup languages which I got from google. But every languages have some specific limitation or this languages are create for some specific work. And there are also some languages which are more efficient from html and can do a lot things with that language as like html but the thing is that particular languages are based on html. It follows the html format.

So I think alternative languages of html are available but the mother of all markup languages is html without any doubt.
In reply to 181-15-11173 Md. Mahadi Hasan Sany

Re: Do there any alternative Markup exist which can be rendered in browser instead of HTML?-my own explanation

by Milton Das -

This are alternative markup languages which I got from google. But every languages have some specific limitation or this languages are create for some specific work. It follows the html format.

So I think alternative languages of html are available but the mother of all markup languages is html without any doubt.