Discussion forum on Lecture 6 Gender & Governance

Gender & Governance

Gender & Governance

by Shahana Begum -
Number of replies: 0

The state shall not discriminate against any citizen on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth

Participation in politics was widely discouraged and denied by the major political parties .

Progress of Gender Governance   in Bangladesh


-          Provide mother’s name as a guardian besides the father’s name in all documents.

-          Pension Rule has been revised to make it  friendly

-          Recruitment of the women in Police Force, Army, Air Force and Navy.

-          Made the provision of 4 months maternity leave instead of 3 months

Policy supports required at national level:

-gender responsive national budget

-laws ensuring women’s equal rights

-fair wages and decent working condition

-equal inheritance in property

-women friendly financial policy

-women’s greater participation in economic and political domain

-Team up with diverse groups (profession, trade, craftwork and skills)

-Build up regional and international solidarity to influence the global policy making bodies which effects the lives of people

-Threat of religious extremism which reinforce the pressure on women to confine them within the households

-Making political forces, civil society groups and social movement gender sensitive