Discussion forum on Lecture 6 Gender & Governance

Gender & Population

Gender & Population

by Hasna hena Hasna -
Number of replies: 0

I  understand about Gender & Governance from this lecture. Gender refers to the culturally and socially determined differences between men and women, the relationships between them, and their roles in the community at large. Governance does not belong only to the public realm, however, it has consequences for the private sphere since policies that protect individuals’ health and legal rights, or promotes family policy favourable to women’s empowerment; for example, ensure that these individuals can take an active role in the public sphere. Governance therefore crosses both public and private spheres.Gender Equality depends on democratic, and gender-sensitive governance since typically women, who are or feel marginalised from the public sphere and administration do not feel empowered to take action or participate in governance.

Progress of Gender Governance   in Bangladesh

 -          Provide mother’s name as a guardian besides the father’s name in all documents.

-          Pension Rule has been revised to make it  friendly

-          Recruitment of the women in Police Force, Army, Air Force and Navy.

-          Made the provision of 4 months maternity leave instead of 3 months

UNDP’s projects focus on the following objectives to achieve women’s political empowerment:

  • Increase the number of women in public office
  • Enhance women’s leadership by helping to reform electoral processes, change political parties, and strengthen parliaments, judiciaries and the civil service
  • Strengthen women’s organisations ability to advocate and implement projects that promote women’s rights
  • Promote judicial reform to ensure equal legal protection to poor women and men
  • Ensure that essential public services like health and education benefit poor women, men, girls and boys equitably
  • Promote the ratification, implementation, and reporting on women’s international and regional women’s instruments such as the CEDAW
  • Reduce gender-based violence