Interactive Discussion Forum on Lecture-02: Health Education

Health education of covid 19

Health education of covid 19

by Hamisu Yusuf Ado -
Number of replies: 0

When it comes to building a healthy community, the importance of health education cannot be overlooked. Community health workers collaborate with all stakeholders in a community - from its citizens to its government, education and medical officials - to improve health and wellness and ensure equal access to healthcare. 

According to WHO best way to prevent and slow down transmission is to be well informed about SARS-CoV-2, the disease it causes and how it spreads”

We have seen that health and hygiene campaigns, which reinforce consistent messaging and persuade people to alter their habits, are effective in reducing infection rates. 

The health education of covid 19 involves providing the right information on the preventive measures to take which will prevent the further spread of the disease. These preventive measures include regular and proper hand washing, safe cough protocol, social distancing, use of face mask etc. 

I believe that health education is a powerful weapon to help reduce the spread of covid 19 because when people become more informed about the nature of the disease and how to stop it's spread, it will go a long way to minimise the spread since with proper education the people can best apply the preventive measures to reduce the spread and prevent themselves.