Discussion Forum on Vicarious Liability

Vicarious liability

Vicarious liability

by Amena Sultana (ID:222-26-524) -
Number of replies: 0

The doctrine of „vicarious liability‟ is generally termed as „liability for the acts of others‟. Vicarious‟ is derived from the Latin term „vice‟ i.e., in the place of. By this phrase, we mean the liability of a person for the tort of another in which he had no part. It may arise under the common law or under the statute. The term is claimed to be invented by the English jurist Frederick Pollock in the 1880s. Vicarious can be defined as „a concept used to impose strict liability on a person who does not have primary liability, that is, not at fault‟. Vicarious liability is not a tort. Literally, it means that one person is liable for the torts of another.