Understanding of Lecture 1



by Raita Marium -
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Classification : The technique of classifying and naming individual pixels or collections of pixels in satellite or aerial photographs according to their spectral values is known as  classification in remote sensing. With the help of this procedure, we can decipher and comprehend intricate patterns and information included in the photos, turning the raw data into knowledge that can be applied to a variety of applications.

Supervised classification: In the field of remote sensing, supervised classification classifies the pixels in an image using a set of training data. Each land cover type that the user wants to map has examples included in the training data. The training samples are manually chosen from the image by the user, who then categorizes them according to the types of land cover. The classifier then classifies the remaining pixels in the image using the training data. It helps to classify big areas accurately and effectively. It is also a flexible technique that can be used for a variety of applications.