Social and Professional Issues in Computing could be the ethical considerations surrounding emerging technologies, emphasizing the responsible development and use of technology to address societal concerns and potential risks.
1. Privacy and Security:Understanding the ethical implications of collecting, storing, and processing user data, and the measures to safeguard privacy and security in computing.
2. Intellectual Property:Exploring the legal and ethical aspects of intellectual property, including copyright, patents, and trademarks in the context of software development and digital content.
3. Digital Divide: Examining the social and economic disparities in access to and use of information and communication technologies, and strategies to bridge the digital divide.
4. Cybercrime and Cybersecurity:Analyzing the ethical challenges related to cybercrime, and the ethical responsibilities in developing and implementing cybersecurity measures.
5. Professional Codes of Conduct:Understanding and adhering to professional codes of conduct an ethical standards within the computing industry.
6. Social Impacts of Technology:Assessing the broader societal impacts of technology, such as job displacement, changes in communication patterns, and cultural shifts.
7. Open Source Software:Exploring the ethical considerations of open source development, collaboration, and the principles of sharing software.
8. Environmental Sustainability:Recognizing the environmental impact of computing activities and promoting sustainable practices in technology development .