
Overview and Rational This introductory chapter is to engage students in divergent thinking and involve them in a thought process or method used to generate creative ideas by exploring most possible solutions. Most of the people have a desire to be comfortable and stay safe. Trying something new can seem scary and not worth the effort. However, full enjoyment and fulfillment comes in those moments we step out of the comfort zone that we call out of the box. If we think back to the most meaningful, amazing moments of our life starting from childhood we can relate the relevance of the topic. Trying something new and unfamiliar brings extra excitement and emotion around any event. May be we lose power of changes or excitement in searching new things with the duration of age. Stepping out of comfort zone doesn’t have to be a death-defying adventure. It could be something as simple as traveling to a new place, new way of thinking or new style of living. Considering 21st century and stresses coming out from market and socio political economic arenas young people deserve to learn a new way of thinking to evolve self esteem to take their own decision for better living considering everyone’s personal limitations.
Last modified: Tuesday, 2 June 2020, 1:17 PM