Self Esteem is considered as an important component of emotional health; self-esteem encompasses both self-confidence and self-acceptance.

Experiences at home, at school, and with peers can all build or diminish a child's self-esteem. Psychologists and child-care authorities who write about self-esteem generally discuss it in terms of two key components: the feeling of being loved and accepted by others and a sense of competence and mastery in performing tasks and solving problems independently.

In order for youth to feel good about them, they must feel that they are able to do things well.

It is important to try to protect children from feelings of sadness, frustration, and anxiety when they failed or trying hard for successes. Self-esteem comes from different sources for children and youth at different stages of development. The development of self-esteem in young children is heavily influenced by parental attitudes and behavior. Supportive parental behavior, including the encouragement and praise of mastery, as well as the child's internalization of the parents' own attitudes toward success and failure, are the most powerful factors in the development of self-esteem in early childhood.

Later, older children's experiences outside the home—in school and with peers—become increasingly important in determining their self-esteem. Schools can influence their students' self-esteem through the attitudes they foster toward competition and diversity and their recognition of achievement in academics, sports, and the arts.

By middle childhood, friendships have assumed a fundamental role in a child's life. Studies have shown that school-age youngsters spend more time with their friends than they spend doing homework, watching television, or playing alone. In addition, the amount of time they interact with their parents is greatly reduced from when they were younger. At this stage, social acceptance by a child's peer group plays a major role in developing and maintaining self-esteem.

The physical and emotional changes that take place in the adolescence period, especially during early adolescence, new challenges in building self-esteem. Fitting in with their peers becomes more important than ever to their self-esteem, and, in later adolescence, relationships with the opposite sex can become a major source of confidence or insecurity. Up to a certain point, adolescents need to gain a sense of competence by making and learning from their own mistakes and by being held accountable for their own actions.

May be it’s true for most of Bangladeshi young people that they do not have adequate knowledge about body and soul, the way they are getting primary and high school education. Considering global trend in developing self esteem among youth and adolescent the chapter will contribute something at least rather than nothing at university level at least!

Many people fail to distinguish between assertiveness and aggressiveness in this country. Behaviorist psychologists view assertiveness as a complex set of behaviors, both verbal and non-verbal. Assertive behavior is often correlated with high self-esteem. For promoting tolerance and peace self esteem is the core point to be achieved at any cost.

Reading is helpful from selected characters from world renowned philosopher, scientist, politician, business stars etc to understand, how they perform their innovation, life and living.

May be we will be much happier and more effective people if we can take the time and the energy to understand who we are and how people know us!  Anyone can build or can change careers several times, if he/she can grow and try to create positive change in the world. It is important that more you are becoming aware of how your actions affect others, now and in the future, and then more you will be able to effectively communicate and motivate. Knowing great people’s life, living history etc. always can help anyone to write personal history by doing things practically.

Last modified: Tuesday, 2 June 2020, 5:51 PM