➢ Basic Human Aspirations: Prosperity and Happiness.

➢ Methods to fulfill human aspirations understanding and living in harmony at various levels.

➢ Harmony in the Human Being

    • Harmony in family and society: Understanding Human-human relationship in terms of mutual trust and respect.

    • Understanding society and nation as extensions of family and society respectively.// Solidarity in Family, Society & Nation

➢ Basics of Professional Ethics

    • Ethical Human Conduct – based on acceptance of basic human values.

    • Humanistic Constitution and universal human order skills, sincerity and fidelity.

➢ Professional Ethics in practice:

    • Profession and Professionalism – Professional Accountability, Roles of a professional, Ethics and image of profession.

   • Profession and Ethics – Technology and Society, Ethical obligations of Engineering professionals, Roles of Engineers in industry, society, nation and the world.OVERVIEW AND RATIONAL

If we look at our living, it is clear that human living (our own living) can be seen as encompassing the following 4 levels:

1. Myself

2. Family

3. Society

4. Nature/existence

Each one of us lives at all levels--whether we are aware of it or not, and each one of us wants to understand all these of our beings, or living. All these levels of our living need to be investigated for better understanding and performance. 

Family, school and social environment constitute the three most potent factors in laying the foundations of personality and determining the character of a person to be a human being. 

The development of human society in the last several hundred years has been characterized by a number of basic contradictions. It has brought positive trends as the rapid growth of technical and scientific knowledge, which has increased substantially the amount of information about our world that leads to a higher standard of living. But at the same time human being is confused with this huge pool of information like what to accept, reject or eject and continuously facing a psychological crisis. 


We must, however, also consider the negative features of this development, which have dangerous consequences. The high, and still growing consumption connected with a rapid deterioration of natural resources and the production of enormous amounts of waste. 20 percent of the population now consumes about 80 percent of raw material and energy resources. Most of the population of the world lives in poverty. More than 780 million from the total of 5.5 billion world inhabitants are under the poverty level — in each minute 28 people die from hunger and people attempting desperately to survive destroy the surrounding nature.

Expansive development is leading to the weakening or even destroying of national or regional cultures, which means irreparable loss of cultural diversity of human kind and restriction of its ability to react efficiently in new circumstances and leading thereby to a growing fragility and alienation of human society.

Sustainable development — or perhaps more precisely a sustainable way of life — is concerned with a search for harmony between Human and Nature , society and its environment, so that we should achieve the ideals of humanism and respect for life and nature, as much as possible and in all temporal and spatial zones. 

It is a way of life which searches for balance between rights and freedom of every individual and his or her responsibility towards other people and nature as a whole, including responsibility towards future generations.

One can influence the conduct of others around him. If one is not like that already, it can be made much easier by just picking one virtue a day and specializing in it for that day. Doing that, they would all eventually be in. Now what do you suppose would happen if one were to try to treat those around him with - justness, loyalty, good sportsmanship, fairness, honesty, kindness, consideration, compassion, self-control, tolerance, forgivingness, benevolence, belief, respect, politeness, dignity, admiration, friendliness, love, and did it with integrity? It might take a while but don’t you suppose that many others would then begin to try to treat the one in the same way?

Last modified: Wednesday, 3 June 2020, 5:03 PM