Course Outline

Employability 360°

Course Mentor: Md Shibli Shahriar Semester: Spring-2022

Email:, Cell: +88 01811458816

 Course Title: Employability 360°

 Course Code: EMP 101

 Prerequisite Course: AOL-301

 Credit: 3.0

 Total Marks: 100

 Contact Hour: 3 hours per week

General Overview



According to Wikipedia Employability refers to the attributes of a person that make that person able to gain and maintain employment. The vision of this course is to prepare the learners of Daffodil International University as per the current job market demand so that they find the desired role in the organization and sustain the employment with the required Knowledge, Skills, positive Attitudes, and tools.


The main objective is to ensure competency so that the graduates of DIU can perform in the organization as per the workplace standards.

Outcomes of the Course

After completion of the course, every student will be able to

  1. Equip with the knowledge, skills, Attitude and tools necessary for gaining initial employment.
  2. Understand and ensure the 'key competencies', careers advice and about the world of work which are embedded in this course.
  3. Know the necessary skills to maintain employment and make 'transitions' between jobs and roles within the same organization to meet new job requirements
  4. Obtain new employment if required
  5. Gain the confidence to be independent in the job market
  6. Manage their own employment transitions between and within organizations.  
  7. Know and understand the most important transferable soft skills and hard skills for every job sectors of the world. 
  8. Understand the importance of Tech Savviness and can perform the most import tech skills.

Units of Competency to be delivered

Every learner will be able to

  1. Complete the Personal assessment including self SWOT
  2. Set their own career target and draft a career plan based on the set target
  3. Know the job market structure, hierarchy/organogram, company types, business process, employment types and requirements.
  4. Analyze the Job description and mapping the required skills.
  5. Perform company research.
  6. Perform tech skills like G-Suits, Google Site, Google Drive, effective uses of smartphone, Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, RSS, Pin interest)
  7. Understand and practice transferable soft skills like business communication, negotiation, leadership, team building, creativity, criticality, Problem-solving, emotional intelligence, Note Taking, SMART Goal/Target. 
  8. Develop personal CV, e-portfolio (GSite), Video resume
  9. Apply for jobs
  10. Perform both online and offline interviews.
  11. Perform administrative tools like printers, FAX, handling telephone, official email, SMS, messaging through various messengers, WhatsApp, official file management.
  12. Write different types of official letters, emails, memos, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, proposals, financial budgeting, etc.           

Training Methodologies

The lectures combine theory and practice by mixing lectures and exercises throughout the session(s). In the class, learner(s) will have the opportunity to put into practice the techniques introduced in the class.


Units Segmentation


Unit of Competency

Objectives and how to ensure learning


Employability Skills

Students have many fears and misconceptions about Employability Skills. Here we will acquire complete knowledge on Employability Skills through participatory the approach by reviewing various activities of students such as:  

  • Q&A,
  • What skills are required for the workplace,
  • List of desired skills usually asked by employers.

Observing some of the professionals through one to one discussion.

After the completion, each student will submit an analysis report about the list of most important employability skills asked by most of the employers.

  1. Employability Skills Analysis report. 
  2. Observation report through one to one discussion with professionals

Self Assessment

There is a lot of confusion among our students about Self-Assessment due to which the desired job opportunities are lost despite the openings. Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on self-assessment through a participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students such as:

  • Questionnaire development
  • Peer assessment
  • Individual SWOT Analysis
  • Third party feedback (Parents, teachers

After the completion, each student will submit an analysis report about their own assessment.

  1. Questionnaire development
  2. Peer assessment
  3. Individual SWOT Analysis
  4. Third party feedback on behavior and attitude (Parents, teachers or employers)

Career Mapping and planning

Career mapping and planning are crucial. In most cases, our students try to create opportunities for themselves in the workplace without adequate career mapping and planning. In most cases, students have a career plan but it is not measurable or realistic.

Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on developing SMART Goal/Target through the participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students such as:

  • Career Map
  • SMART Goal/Target

After the completion, each student will submit an analysis report about own Career Map and SMART Target.

  1. Self-Career Map
  2. SMART Goal/Target

company research

Company research is very important for a graduate. Because if you can't do company research properly, then you will never find the desired job.

Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on company research through participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students such as:

  • Learners will select and make a list of at least 15 companies
  • Learners will know the job market structure, hierarchy/organogram, company types, business process, employment types and requirements.
  • Learners will analyze the Job description and mapping of the required skills.
  • Fit their SMART Goal/Target based on the company research.

After the completion, each Students will submit an analysis report about company research.

  1. List of desired companies
  2. Company research report
  3. Job Description analysis report

Career plan development

Career planning is very important but more important is to make a career plan for yourself.

Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on company research through participatory the approach by reviewing various activities of students such as:

  • Understanding the career plan
  • Elements of career plan
  • Finalize the career plan
  • Develop and submit a complete career plan. 

After completion, each student will develop and submit a complete career plan.

  1. Develop and submit a complete career plan. 

Understand and practice transferable soft skills

There are some soft skills that are applicable to all kinds of work. ‍These kinds of Soft Skills are often referred to as Transferable Soft Skills in the professional world i.e Communication, Negotiation, Leadership, Team Building, Creativity, Criticality, Problem-solving, Emotional Intelligence, Note Taking, Professional Etiquette and Grooming.

Here we will acquire complete knowledge, skills, and ways of practice on Transferable Soft Skills through participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students such as:

  • Group Discussion
  • Industry expert lectures 
  • Self-Assessment 

After the completion, each the student will prepare a checklist for their own soft skills development plan and Submit a report.

  1. Prepare a checklist for your own soft skills development plan
  2. Measure the progress
  3. Submit a report 

Understand and practice transferable tech skills

There are some Tech skills that are applicable to all kinds of work. ‍These kinds of Tech Skills are often referred to as Transferable Tech Skills in the professional world i.e G-Suits, effective uses of smartphone, Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, RSS, Pin interest), Notes, Online Meeting Places etiquettes, Internet Browsing, MS Office, Editing, formatting & Converting.

Here we will acquire complete knowledge, skills, and ways of practice on Transferable Soft Skills through participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students such as:

  • Group Discussion
  • Industry expert lectures 
  • Self-Assessment 

After the completion, each student will prepare a checklist for their own tech skills development plan and Submit a report.

  1. Tech Skills development plan and Submit a report.

Understand and practice administrative tools

Perform administratively tools like printers, FAX, handling telephone, official email, SMS, messaging through various messengers, WhatsApp, official file management.

Here we will acquire complete knowledge, skills, and ways of practice on Administrative tools through a participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students such as:

  • Group Discussion
  • Industry expert lectures 
  • Self-Assessment 

After the completion, each student will prepare a check list for own Submit a report.

  1. Submit a report.

Understand and practice Business communication tools

After the completion of this segment, each student will prepare different types of official letters, emails, memos, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, proposals, financial budgeting, etc. We will use a simulation.

  1. Students will submit
  2. Meeting request letter
  3. Draft a memo
  4. Prepare a meeting agenda
  5. Draft a meeting minutes
  6. Develop a proposal
  7. Prepare a budget

Personal Branding tools

After the completion of this the segment, each student will develop their personal CV, e-portfolio (GSite), Video resume, furnish social media profiles and channels.

  1. personal CV,
  2. e-portfolio (GSite),
  3. Video resume,
  4. Social media profiles and channel links.

Apply for jobs

  • In this segment each student will analyze jobs through the online job portal and apply a job based on individual preferences. Students will also learn virtual interview skills and the most important 15 interview questions. 

  1. Each student will apply at least 10-part time or full-time jobs.

Mock Interview

  • In this segment, each the student will attend a virtual mock interview where a renowned recruiter will join as a mock interviewer.

  1. Summarize the experience through a report.  

Chapter-wise Unit Learning Objective


Unit of Competencies


Performance Criteria

Learning Objectives



Employability Skills

(Students have many fears and misconceptions about Employability Skills. Here we will acquire complete knowledge on Employability Skills through a participatory the approach by reviewing various activities of students)

  1. What are the top employability skills?
  2. What are your employability strengths?
  3. What determines employability?
  4. Why do employers want employability skills?
  5. Why do students need employability skills?
  6. How do you increase employability?

Students will be given links to reading materials, videos, and exercise files from where they all will brainstorm with the mentors and

  1. understand the importance of Employability Skills, ident
  2. identify the skills that are required for the workplace,
  3. prepare a List of desired skills usually asked by employers.
  4. Observe some of the professionals through one to one interview.

  1. A clear understanding of Employability Skills
  2. Able to speak and identify their own employability skills gap.
  3. Able to make a plan for self-improvement

  1. Employability Skills Analysis report. 
  2. Observation report through one to one discussion with professionals



There is a lot of confusion among our students about Self-Assessment due to which the desired job opportunities are lost despite the openings. Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on self-assessment through the participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students

  1. What is it self-assessment?
  2. Do I need self-assessment?
  3. What are the benefits of student self-assessment?
  4. Why is it important?
  5. How do I write a self-assessment?
  6. Why is self-assessment important in career planning?

Students will be given links of reading Materials, videos, and exercise files from where they all will brainstorm with the mentors and

  1. understand the importance of Self-Assessment
  2. identify the skills gap that is required for the workplace,
  3. prepare a Check List of skills gaps identified during self-assessment.
  4. Importance of Peer Feedback
  5. Importance of third party feedback.

  1. understand the importance of Self-Assessment
  2. identify the skills gap that is required for the workplace,
  3. prepare a Check List of skills gaps identified during self-assessment.
  4. Importance of Peer Feedback
  5. Importance of third party feedback.

  1. Questionnaire development
  2. Peer assessment
  3. Individual SWOT Analysis
  4. Third-party feedback on behavior and attitude (Parents, teachers or employers)


Career Mapping and planning

Career mapping and planning are crucial. In most cases, our students try to create opportunities for themselves in the workplace without adequate career mapping and planning. In most cases, students have a career plan but it is not measurable or realistic.


Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on developing SMART Goal/Target through participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students

  1. What is the meaning of career planning?
  2. why is it important?
  3. What are the 4 steps in career planning?
  4. What are the six steps of the career planning process?
  5. What are the advantages of career planning?
  6. Who is responsible for career planning?
  7. What are the objectives of career planning?
  8. When should I start career planning?
  9. What is the difference between career planning and career development?
  10. What is the purpose of career development?

Students will be given links to reading materials, videos, and exercise files from where they all will brainstorm with the mentors and

  1. understand the importance of Career planning.
  2. identify and use the tools to develop a career plan,
  3. prepare a Check List of

Students will be able to understand the importance of the SMART CAREER Plan and Mapping accordingly.

  1. Self-Career Map
  2. SMART Goal/Target
  3. Sketch the career plan with MindMap tools


Research Company

Company research is very important for a graduate. Because if you can't do company research properly, then you will never find the desired job.

Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on company research through the participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students

  1. What is a research company?
  2. How do I find information on a company?
  3. What are the five types of business?
  4. How do I start a research company?
  5. What is the mean of hierarchy?
  6. What is the main purpose of a job description?
  7. What are the entry-level job titles?

  1. Learners will select and make a list of at least 15 companies
  2. Learners will know the job market structure, hierarchy/organogram, company types, business process, employment types and requirements.
  3. Learners will analyze the Job description and mapping of the required skills.
  4. Fit their SMART Goal/Target based on company research.

After completion, a student will be able to know the company hiring mission, company structure, general knowledge about the job market and based on the information collected by the students will help them to sketch their career plan.

  1. List of desired companies
  2. Company research report
  3. Job Description analysis report


Career plan development

Career planning is very important but more important is to make a career plan for yourself.

Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on company research through the participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students

Complete Career Development plan analysis and prepare.

After completion, every student will be able to

  1. Understanding the career plan
  2. Elements of career plan
  3. Finalize the career plan
  4. Develop and submit a complete career plan. 


Learners will fill confident to develop their personal career plan and work accordingly for shaping the future.

  1. Develop and submit a complete career plan. 


Understand and practice transferable soft skills

There are some soft skills that are applicable to all kinds of work. ‍These kinds of Soft Skills are often referred to as Transferable Soft Skills in the professional world. Here we will acquire complete knowledge, skills, and ways of practice on Transferable Soft Skills through a participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students

  1. Communication,
  2. Negotiation,
  3. Leadership,
  4. Team Building,
  5. Creativity,
  6. Criticality,
  7. Problem solving,
  8. Emotional Intelligence,
  9. Note Taking,
  10. Professional Etiquette and Grooming.

students will be able to sketch a self-development plan and practice the transferable soft skills through group discussion, Industry expert lectures, and Self-Assessment to examine where development initiatives needed. 

Also, the student will be able to get the adequate knowledge and skills on the transferable soft skills.

On completion of the course, the student will be able to–

  1. Effectively communicate through verbal/oral communication and improve listening skills
  2. Establish win-win relation
  3. Become a more effective individual through goal/target setting, self-motivation, and practicing creative thinking.
  4. Function effectively in multi-disciplinary and heterogeneous teams through the knowledge of the team work, Inter-personal relationships, conflict management, and leadership quality.

  1. Prepare a checklist for their own soft skills development plan
  2. Measure the progress
  3. Submit a report 


Understand and practice transferable tech skills

There are some Tech skills that are applicable for all kinds of work. ‍These kinds of Tech Skills are often referred to as Transferable Tech Skills in the professional world


  1. G-Suits,
  2. Effective uses of the smartphone,
  3. Effective uses of Social media (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube),
  4. Importance of Notes,
  5. Online Meeting Places etiquettes,
  6. Internet Browsing,
  7. MS Office,
  8. Editing, formatting & Converting.

Students will be given links to reading materials, videos, and exercise files from where they all will brainstorm with the mentors and

  1. understand the importance of Tech Skills
  2. identify the skills that are required for the workplace,
  3. prepare a List of desired skills usually asked by employers.

After the completion, each student will prepare a checklist for their own tech skills development plan and Submit a report.

  1. Tech Skills development plan and Submit a report.


Understand and practice administrative tools

  1. Printers,
  2. FAX,
  3. Handling telephone,
  4. Official email,
  5. SMS,
  6. messaging through various messengers,
  7. WhatsApp,
  8. official file management (Hard and Soft).

Students will be given links of reading Materials, videos, and exercise files from where they all will brainstorm with the mentors and

  1. understand the importance of Administrative Skills with required tools.
  2. identify the skills that are required for the workplace,
  3. prepare a List of desired skills usually asked by employers.

After the completion, each student will prepare a checklist for own Administrative skills development plan and Submit a report.

  1. Submit a report.


Understand and practice Business communication tools


  1. Prepare different types of official letters,
  2. emails,
  3. memos,
  4. meeting agendas,
  5. meeting minutes,
  6. proposal,
  7. financial budgeting

Student will be given a real-life scenario where they will practice business communication by developing all business communication tools.

After the completion of this segment, each student will prepare different types of official letters, emails, memos, meeting agendas, meeting minutes, proposal, financial budgeting etc. We will use a simulation.

Students will submit

  1. Meeting request letter
  2. Draft a memo
  3. Prepare a meeting agenda
  4. Draft a meeting minutes
  5. Develop a proposal
  6. Prepare a budget


Personal Branding tools

  1. Personal CV,
  2. e-portfolio (GSite),
  3. Video resume,
  4. furnish social media profiles and channels.

Students will be given links to reading Materials, videos, and exercise files from where they all will brainstorm with the mentors and develop personal branding tools for self-promotion.


After the completion of this segment, each student will develop their personal CV, e-portfolio (GSite), Video resume, furnishing social media profiles, and channel. Also

  1. personal CV,
  2. e-portfolio (GSite),
  3. Video resume,
  4. Social media profiles and channel links.


Interview Skills and participate in Mock Interview

  1. What is the main purpose of a job interview?
  2. What is a job interview and types?
  3. What are you supposed to say in an interview?
  4. How can I impress the interviewer?
  5. How do you end an interview?
  6. What are the interview skills?
  7. What are the top 15 questions to ask an interviewer?

Students will learn virtual interview skills and the most important 15 interview questions. 

student will attend a virtual mock interview where the renowned recruiter will join as a mock interviewer.

After the completion of this segment, each student will confident enough to attend the job interview. Also, they will be able to know and understand the importance of job interviews.

  1. Summarize the experience through a report.  


Apply for jobs


In this segment each student will analyze jobs through the online job portal and apply a job based on individual preferences. Students will also learn virtual interview skills and the most important 15 interview questions. 


Each student will apply at least 10-part time or full-time jobs.



Title/ Chapter Name

Questions asked



Students have to write down at least three to four Diagnostic Questions (Diagnostic Questions are those which starts with What/Why/When/Where/Who/which/How, etc.)

1.      Which two things you learned from this class


2.      Which two things you want to know more about from today’s topic:

Marks Distribution

Class Attendance


4 Quizzes






Mid – Term


Semester Final



Grading System

Numerical Grade

Letter Grade

Grade Point

80 % and above

A+ [Plus]


75% to less than 80%



70% to less than 75%



65% to less than 70%



60% to less than 65%



55% to less than 60%



50% to less than 55%



45% to less than 50%



40% to less than 45%



Less than 40%



Industrial Attachments

i. Arrange focus group discussions with the industry personnel to understand the opportunities and challenges of the future job market.

ii. Arrange practical mock interview sessions with the HR of the different industries to get a vivid picture of the industry.



Last modified: Sunday, 23 January 2022, 3:09 PM