Topic outline

  • General

  • Semester Schedule

  • Lesson 1: General overview of Employability Skills (Reading contents, and videos)

    Students have many fears and misconceptions about Employability Skills. Here we will acquire complete knowledge on Employability Skills through the participatory approach by reviewing various activities by students.

    The topics we will cover in this lecture are-

    1. What are the top employability skills?
    2. What are your employability strengths?
    3. What determines employability?
    4. Why do employers want employability skills?
    5. Why do students need employability skills?
    6. How do you increase employability? 

    After completion of this lecture, a student will be able to 

    • understand the importance of Employability Skills, ident
    • identify the skills that are required for the workplace,
    • prepare a List of desired skills usually asked by employers.
    • Observe some of the professionals through one to one interview.

  • Lecture One: Join Live Class for Lecture 1 | 3 October 2020 | (2:30pm to 5:30 pm

      Join Live class on General overview of Employability Skills (2:30pm to 5:00 pm)

                  3 Hours virtual class using Google Meet 

  • Students Feedback on Lecture one

  • Special Assignment for Lecture One

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  • Lecture Two: Self Assessment: How to Learn About Yourself

    There is a lot of confusion among our students about Self-Assessment due to which the desired job opportunities are lost despite the openings. Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on self-assessment through a participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students. Students will be given links to reading materials, videos, and exercise files from where they all will brainstorm with the mentors and confirm the followings-

    • understand the importance of Self-Assessment
    • identify the skills gap that is required for the workplace,
    • prepare a Check List of skills gaps identified during self-assessment.
    • Importance of Peer Feedback
    • Importance of third party feedback.

  • Lecture Two: Join Live Class for Lecture 1 | 10 October 2020 | (2:30pm to 5:30 pm)

    3 Hours virtual class on Self Assessment

      Join Live Class for Lecture 2 | 10 October 2020 | (2:30-5:30) pm 

  • Students Feedback on Lecture 02

  • Special assignment for Lecture two

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  • Lecture 3: Career Mapping and planning

    Join Live Class for Lecture 3 | 17 October 2020 | (2:30-5:30) pm 

    Career mapping and planning are crucial. In most cases, our students try to create opportunities for themselves in the workplace without adequate career mapping and planning.

  • Lecture 4: Research Company

     Join Live Class for Lecture 4 | 24 October 2020 | (2:30-5:30) pm

    Company research is very important for a graduate. Because if you can't do company research properly, then you will never find the desired job. Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on company research through participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students

  • Students Feedback on Lecture 04

      Submit your Feedback on Lecture 04

    • Lecture 05: Career plan development

       Join Live Class for Lecture 5 | 31 October 2020 | (2:30-5:30) pm

      Career planning is very important but more important is to make a career plan for yourself. Here we will acquire complete knowledge ‍and skills on company research through participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students

    • Students Feedback on Lecture 05

        Submit your Feedback on Lecture 05

      • Lecture 06-07: Understand and practice transferable soft skills

         Join Live Class for Lecture 06-07 | 14 November 2020 | (2:30-5:30) pm 

        There are some soft skills that are applicable for all kinds of work. ‍These kinds of Soft Skills are often referred as Transferable Soft Skills in the professional world. Here we will acquire complete knowledge, skills and ways of practice on Transferable Soft Skills through participatory approach by reviewing various activities of students

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      • Students Feedback on Lecture 06 - 07

        • Lecture 08: Understand and practice transferable tech skills

           Join Live Class for Lecture 08 | 21 November 2020 | (2:30-5:30) pm 

          There are some Tech skills that are applicable for all kinds of work. ‍These kinds of Tech Skills are often referred as Transferable Tech Skills in the professional world

        • Lecture 09: Understand and practice administrative tools

        • This topic

          Lecture 10: Understand and practice Business communication tools

        • Assignment on Lecture 10

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        • Lecture 11: Personal Branding tools

        • Assignment for Lecture 11

          • View Make a submission
        • Lecture 12: Interview Skills and participate in Mock Interview

        • Lecture 13: Apply jobs