Assignment 06: Transferable soft skills

Opened: Saturday, 14 November 2020, 2:00 PM
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You have to watch #Pre-recorded video lecture on Transferable soft skills and read the #Power Point slide attentively.  

You will find 12 pillars of soft skills from above recourses. Your assignment is to make a video presentation on any one pillar and have to mention "What", "Why" & "How" about the pillar on your presentation.    

Video making rules: You have to make your own presentation slide and describe it by showing yourself in the video. Video length will be Maximum 10 Minutes and Minimum 05 Minutes.  You can record the presentation using google meet or any other recoding tools.

You need to upload the recorded video to your Youtube Channel and share the link here.

Upload the file by 27 November 2020, within 11:59 PM (Date Extended