Employability 360 - What, Why, and How

Do you think your academic knowledge will guarantee you a job?

Are you aware of the skills and abilities most employers want?

How does it feel to know that there are at least 1 million people around this world who can do your job?

Do you know 85% of your success depends on your employability skills?

In this age of distraction and disruption, jobs are not bordered by the territory of a country. That means you have employees all over the globe. These one million candidates have the same education as you have, if not better! The good news is people lack the most critical skill, which is employability. Degrees can assure only knowledge but to implement that knowledge in the field of your work requires Employability skills.

What is employability?

According to Wiki Employability is related to work and the ability to be employed, such as:

  • The ability to gain initial employment; hence the interest in ensuring that 'key competencies', career advice, and an understanding about the world of work are embedded in the education system[1]
  • The ability to maintain employment and make 'transitions' between jobs and roles within the same organization to meet new job requirements[2]
  • The ability to obtain new employment if required, i.e. to be independent in the job market by being willing and able to manage their own employment transitions between and within organizations 

Daffodil international university has introduced a course on Employability Skills called “Employability 360 degree”

The objectives of the course are-

  • Equip students with the required knowledge, skills, Attitude, and tools necessary for gaining employment.
  • Help students to understand the 'key competencies', career planning, and about the world of work which are embedded in this course.
  • Guide students to know the necessary skills to maintain employment and make 'transitions' between jobs and roles within the same organization to meet new job requirements
  • Inspire students to gain the confidence to be independent in the job market
  • Mentoring students to understand and practice the most important transferable soft skills, hard skills, Tech Skills that are required for every job sector of the world.

This course will mainly focus to fulfill the desired Skills that employers want. Here are the top 10 skills that students should develop through Employability 360.

  1. Clear overview and knowledge about Employability Skills
  2. Adequate knowledge ‍and skills on self-assessment
  3. Career Mapping, planning, and development
  4. Understand and practice transferable soft skills
  5. Understand and practice transferable tech skills
  6. Understand and practice administrative tools
  7. Understand and practice Business communication tools
  8. Understand and apply Personal Branding tools
  9. Understand and Practice Job Interview guidelines
  10. Confidently apply for desired Jobs

The course will also help students to have thinking skills that will allow them to do effective presentations, write properly, be career-oriented, have independent learning and language skills in addition to personal and interpersonal skills that would allow them to present themselves anywhere in the world.

Last modified: Tuesday, 29 September 2020, 3:20 PM