Assessment Policy

Evaluation Method of the course is as follows: 

The first target of this course would be to direct and inspire students to become self-learners so that they can take charge of their career. Following are the suggested evaluation format that every teacher needs to follow. 

The activities can vary from department to department but the format should be maintained. 

1. Mid Term (Mark 25%) There will be unseen written examination or assignment-based examination. 
This 25% mark should be covered by following one or multiple activities and reports- 
• Self-analysis report of every student (SWOT Analysis and SWOT Matrix, Personality test, Identifying passion, Sales story & Elevator pitch) • Precise career mapping report (Finding dream job/Business and the process to get that job, Poster presentation of their career mapping) • Career focused Video Résumé (It should contain contents that are related to their career map) • Viva Voce on how to win an interview (Students will face a viva voce to answer to the frequently asked questions in an interview board) 

 2. Assignment (Mark 5%) There can be multiple assignments but they should be practical. The assignments mark can be covered with the following activities and reports- • Well-managed and well-designed e-portfolio (Personal website, any third party portfolio maker profile, professional social media profiles) • Report/Presentation on real life event management (Students have to organize an event of DIU/DF and submit a report or present how they faced the challenges, how they worked in a team and what are the experiences they have gained. 

3. Quiz (Mark 15%) Teachers can conduct multiple quizzes and average them to 15% marks. Quizzes can be covered by the following activities and/or reports- • Report on learning from the video materials of Employability 360° YouTube channel • Industry professionals interview report (The report will be in video form. They have recorded the full interview related people that they meet or talk. The task can be assigned group wise.) • Study report on international job trend and their initiatives (Students will have to study the international trend of employment and showcase their activities to attain those positions) • Peer teaching (Students will take the class, 3-5 minutes time will be allocated for every student to share their learning and experiences with rest of the class. 
Students can complete any online courses such as from goedu, corsera, udemy, etc suggested by the course teacher. Upon successful completion each of these courses, the teacher may count those as additional quizzes or bonus marks. 

 4. Presentation (Mark 8%) Every student has to develop excellent presentation skill. Keeping that in mind there will be multiple presentations. Teachers can use one or multiple methods of presentation- • Video making (Students have to create video documentary on different topics e.g. how to win an interview) • Presentation on self-learning (Students have to present all the knowledge and skills they have gained by themselves) 

 5. Attendance (Mark 7%) Attendance mark will be given by evaluating the interactive participation of each student and the amount of seriousness they show during the course. 

 6. Final Exam (40%) Again, there will be unseen written examination or assignment-based evaluation. The 40% marks should be covered by one or more of the following reports and/or activities- • Industry analysis and presentation (Students have to analyze the industry that they are interested in, they have to find a problem of that industry and provide solution to that real life problem. It will be in written form and they have to present it in the class or in video format.) • Self-evaluation presentation (Students will have to present their progress report which will include – things they have learned from Employability 360°, skills that they have developed and the weaknesses that have eradicated/reduced.) 

7. Bonus Mark:  Students who will complete extra courses on skills development such as excel, digital marketing, IELTS, graphics design etc, or prove extra efforts or create any video documentary without any given instructions of the teacher will be given bonus marks.

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