Course outline and Syllabus

Course Outline

Part B- Content of the Course




Specific Outcomes

Teaching-Learning Strategies

Assessment Strategies


with CLOs

Week 1

Introduction and overview of the course (course content, learning objectives, and outcomes, course policies, Introduction & importance of the course)

To illustrate general idea of the course

To relate course content, learning objectives and outcomes, course policies

Class lecture, interactive discussion



Week 2

Introduction to Traffic management concepts ( scope of traffic management measures, restrictions to turning movements, one way streets, tidal flow  operations, Traffic segregation, Traffic calming- Exclusive bus  lanes, Introduction to ITS)

To extend the scope of traffic management measures

To explain about restrictions to turning movements

To illustrate tidal flow  operations

To show Traffic segregation

To interpret the basics of Intelligent Transportation System

Class lecture, interactive discussion upon showing video contents

Assignment, quiz, mid-term examination


Week 3

Traffic engineering administration and legislation (Regulation of traffic, Need and scope of traffic regulations, Motor  Vehicle Act, Speed limit at different locations)

To illustrate Regulation of traffic

To extend the need and scope of traffic regulations

To illustrate the Motor  Vehicle Act

To explain the speed limit at different locations

Class lecture, interactive discussion, problem-based learning, Interactive video

Assignment, quiz, mid-term examination

Quiz-1 will be taken


Week 4

Traffic engineering administration and legislation (Regulation of the  vehicle, regulations concerning the driver rules of the road  enforcement)

To outline the Regulation of the vehicle

To explain the regulations concerning the driver rules of the road  enforcement

Class lecture, interactive discussion, Case study

Assignment, quiz, mid-term examination


Week 5

Traffic accident (Types of accidents, causes of road accidents, collection of accident data, investigation of accident cases)

To discover the types and causes of traffic accidents

To inspect the accident data

To compare the ways to investigate accident cases

Class lecture, interactive discussion, Case study

Assignment, mid-term examination



Week 6

Traffic accident (Influence of road, the vehicle, the driver, the weather and other  factors on road accident, preventive measures)

-To assume the influence of road, the vehicle, the driver, the weather and other  factors on road accident

-To examine the preventive measures

Class lecture, interactive discussion, Interactive video content.

Assignment, quiz, mid-term examination

Quiz-2 will be taken


Week 7

Grade separation and interchanges (Design of at grade & grade separated  intersection, rotary intersection, capacity of rotary intersection)

To build at grade & grade separated  intersection

To choose among intersections.

To determine the capacity of rotary intersection


Class lecture, interactive discussion, problem-based learning

Assignment, mid-term examination


Week 8

Pedestrian and bicycle facilities (Zebra crossing, railings, pedestrian signal foot over bridges, bicycle lane)

To initiate the fundamentals of pedestrian and bicycle facilities

To relate the practices and the service standards for pedestrian and bicycle users.

To apply dedicated lane for bicycle users where necessary.

Class lecture, interactive discussion, case study, review of mid-term contents

Assignment, mid-term examination

Assignment submission


Week 9-10: Mid-Term Examination

Week 11

Urban bypass (Definition, Necessity, affecting land use pattern, economic implications, access control)

To apply the fundamental knowledge of urban bypass

To plan land use, economic model considering the Urban bypass

Class lecture, interactive discussion, problem-based learning

Assignment, quiz, final examination, Group




Week 12

Urban public transportation (Classification of Transit Systems, Bus Transit System, Rail Transit Systems, Rapid Transit or Metro, Automated Guided Transit Systems, Regional and Commuter Rail, Special Technology Transit Systems, Transit Planning and Selection of Transit Modes, Present and Future Role of urban transport)

To apply the fundamental knowledge of urban public transport

To choose among different transit modes of Urban transport

To model future role of urban transport

Class lecture, interactive discussion, problem-based learning

Assignment, quiz, final examination


Week 13

Freight movement (Overview of freight transport, components and significance of freight transport, future of freight movement)

To apply the fundamental knowledge of freight movement

To choose among different transit modes

To model future role of urban transport

Class lecture, interactive discussion, Case studies

Assignment, final examination

Quiz-3 will be taken


Week 14

City road and street networks (Link to different attributes, Essential principles of sustainable street networks, approach, connectivity index, design standards)

To choose among different viable networks

To model efficiency of different network operations


Class lecture, interactive discussion, problem-based learning

Assignment, quiz, final examination



Week 15

Environmental aspects of highway traffic and transportation projects (Transport & Environment, environmental importance of transportation, traffic pollution and environment)

To compare the scenarios based  on fundamental knowledge of environmental aspects

To predict the effect of traffic pollution on the environment

Class lecture, interactive discussion, case studies.

Assignment, quiz, final examination



Week 16

Environmental aspects of highway traffic and transportation projects (Road construction and environment, case study on environmental impacts)


To compare the scenarios based  on fundamental knowledge of environmental aspects

To predict the effect of road construction on the environment

Class lecture, interactive discussion, project-based learning, field visit

Assignment, final examination


Week 17

Elements of traffic flow (Basic components of traffic flow, road user, vehicle, environment and their characteristics, speed –volume –density relationship, homogenous and heterogonous traffic flow, vehicle operating cost. )

To illustrate the basic elements of traffic flow

To demonstrate different relationships related to traffic flow

Class lecture, interactive discussion, problem-based learning

Assignment, final examination



Week 18

Traffic flow capacity (Importance of ‘Capacity’ in Highway transportation studies, Capacity of uninterrupted flow conditions, Determination of theoretical capacity, Level of service, Factors affecting capacity and

level of service.)

To illustrate the flow capacity

To explain different factors related to traffic flow capacity and level of service.

Class lecture, interactive discussion, problem-based learning, review of final exam contents

Assignment, final examination

Quiz-4 will be taken

Assignment submission


Week 19-20: Final Examination

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