#include #include #include void init(void) { glClearColor(0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0); //GLfloat red,green,blue,alpha initial value 0 alpha values used by glclear to clear the color buffers glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); // To specify which matrix is the current matrix & projection applies subsequent matrix to projecton matrix stack glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0); //gluOrtho2D(0.0,300.0,0.0,300.0); // Orthographic representation; multiply the current matrix by an orthographic matrix 2D= left right,bottom,top equivalent near=-1,far=1 } void Draw() { /* glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT); glColor3f( 1 ,0, 0); glBegin(GL_POLYGON); glVertex glEnd(); */ // Write your Code glutSwapBuffers(); } int main(int argc,char **argv){ glutInit(&argc,argv); glutInitDisplayMode ( GLUT_RGB | GLUT_DOUBLE ); glutInitWindowPosition(0,0); glutInitWindowSize(500,500); glutCreateWindow("Lab Final"); init(); glutDisplayFunc(Draw); glutMainLoop(); return 0; }