Section outline


    Title: Fabric Inspection

    Ref. No: TE 417/3-4

    Target Population: 30-40

    Duration: (60+60) minutes

    Aims/Rationale: To teach the students about different methods of fabric inspection, especially the mostly used method of fabric inspection that is 4 point system.

    Learning Outcomes: At the end of the session participant will be able :

    • To inspect fabric.
    • To name different faults of fabric found during inspection.
    • To grade the fabric prior washing
    • To point out other methods of fabric inspection.


    Method or Technique

    Resource or Aid


    Session 1

    Introduction:Welcome address, Rapport building, Bridging topic ,Layout/ content outline, Attendance, Pre-assessment


     Lecture, Q/A


     White Board


    15 mins


    Section  A: Overview of fabric inspection, consequences, methods

    Section B: Details on 4- point system

    Section C: Practice of mathematical problem




    Lecture, Discussion





    White Board, MMP, Video,Online Platform




     30 mins

    Conclusion: Recap main points, Feedback & answer, Assessment of LOs, Reference , Forward plan


    Discussion, Q/A

     White Board, MMP, Online Platform


    15 mins

    Session 2

    Practice of mathematical problems,  Feedback & answer,  Assessment of Los,  Reference , Forward plan


    Discussion, Q/A, Assignment


    White Board, MMP, Online Platform


    60 mins

    Equipment & aids:  Optional