Section outline

  • Learning outcome:
    • Describe different types of heart muscle and blood circulation process.
    • Understand some terminology related with heart like   heartbeat, cardiac cycle, cardiac output, nervous regulation of heart, cardiac reflexes.
    • Define blood pressure and  describe different types of blood pressure.
    • Illustrate the factor effecting blood pressure 
    • Compare and contrast between capillary and regional blood circulation.
    • Short term and long term regulation of blood pressure.
    • How action potential propagates.
    • Describe the function of lymph nodes lymphatic systems Describe detail about lymph composition.

    Learning outcome:

    Circulatory system: Heart: Structure, heart muscles, conducting system of heart, origin and transmission of cardiac impulse; ECG, control and requirements for the normal heart beat, cardiac cycle, cardiac output, nervous regulation of heart, cardiac reflexes.  

    Blood vessels: Types of blood vessels and their functions. 

    Blood pressure: Measurements and regulation of blood pressure, nervous control and chemical control. Arterial pulse: Definition and clinical study, recording of arterial pulse. 

    Capillary circulation: Importance and functions.

    Regional blood circulation: Pulmonary circulation, hepatic circulation, renal circulation and cerebral circulation.

    Lymphatic system: Lymph, Lymph capillary, lymphatic vessels, lymph node, Lymphatic organs Composition and formation of lymph, Function and circulation via lymphatic system.