Topic outline

  • Course summery

     Welcome to this course

    Dear Students, 

    This course is designed to encourage you all to experiment, innovate and interested about good design. The sub-text of the course focuses on giving your hands-on experience regarding woven and knitted fabric design techniques to investigate, analyze and evaluate reference materials. knowing about weaves, their manufacturing techniques and choosing the appropriate machinery. 


    Course summery


    Course Objectives

    •  Recognize different types of designs woven fabrics and their drafting-lifting procedures
    •  Create new designs of fabric
    •  Find out EPI, PPI, warp count, weft count, GSM and other related calculations
    •  Differentiate the categories of knitted fabrics and their design including cam and needle                 arrangement

    Student's Discussion Forum 

    If you have any questions to ask or any discussions to start, you can use the attached activities for your any queries regarding the course summary.

  • Online class recordings

    Different Types of Fabrics - Natural and Synthetic - Aanya Linen UK

    Online class recordings  

    Dear Students,

    Here, you will find all the online class recordings 

  • Lecture 1 & 2: Understanding Fabric Design and Analysis

    What is a Textile Fabric | Classification of Textile Fabric ...

    Video Tutorial

    Learning objectives:

    General concept about woven fabric and its classification, important terms and factors about fabric design, methods of fabric presentation, weave repeat unit, Drafting and lifting plan constructions, classification of woven fabrics, Plain weave fabric and its representation, Factors affecting the fabric structure.

    Learning outcomes:

    ·         Understand about woven fabrics

    ·         Learn about fabric design presentation

    ·         Know different terms

    ·         Able to do the drafting and lifting plan

  • Lecture 3: plain weave and Important terms and definitions

    Learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of weave

    ·         Able to identify the weave plan, drafting plan and lifting plan

    ·         Able to chose suitable drafting plan related to different weaves

  • Lecture 4& 5: Different drafting system


    learning objectives:

     different types of drafting method, weave plan and lifting plan

    Learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of weave

    ·         Able to identify the weave plan, drafting plan and lifting plan

    ·         Able to chose suitable drafting plan related to different weaves

  • QUIZ 01

  • Lecture 6: Plain Weave

    Video Tutorial

    Learning objectives:

    Plain Weave Fabrics:Derivatives of plain weave and their characteristic, Ornamentation of plain weave fabrics by varying set, use of the derivatives of plain weave

    learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of plain weave

    ·         Able to identify the derivatives of plain weave

    ·         Able to design different derivatives of plain weave

    ·         Able to plan the drafting and lifting of any plain weave design

  • Lecture 7: Plain Weave (Warp & Weft Rib)

    Learning objectives:

    Plain Weave Fabrics:Derivatives of plain weave and their characteristic, Ornamentation of plain weave fabrics by varying set, use of the derivatives of plain weave

    Video Tutorial 02

    Video Tutorial 01

    learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of plain weave

    ·         Able to identify the derivatives of plain weave

    ·         Able to design different derivatives of plain weave

    ·         Able to plan the drafting and lifting of any plain weave design

  • Lecture 8 : Plain Weave (Matt Weave)

    Video tutorial - matt weave

    Learning objectives:

    Plain Weave Fabrics:Derivatives of plain weave and their characteristic, Ornamentation of plain weave fabrics by varying set, use of the derivatives of plain weave

    learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of plain weave

    ·         Able to identify the derivatives of plain weave

    ·         Able to design different derivatives of plain weave

    ·         Able to plan the drafting and lifting of any plain weave design

  • QUIZ 2

    Dear students, here you will find the quiz question. three types of question is given- 1. True False 2. Multiple choice 3. Fill in the blanks and 4. Design
  • Mid Term

    Dear students,

    your midterm questions includes: Quiz, Short questions and Design

    1. Quiz: you will get true/false, multiple choice, fill in the blanks type questions  here. 

    2. short question: you will get 2-5 marks question here. Either answer them by typing or write on a paper with your ID No on top of each page. Please remember without any ID No, no answer script will be accepted.  Take pictures of your answer copy and attach them as attachments. 

    3. Design: ln this part you will have to draw the weave designs on a design paper. Try to complete all the designs in a single page. Remember to write your ID No on top.  Take pictures of your design copy and attach them as attachments.

  • Lecture 9: Twill Weave

    learning objectives

    Twill Weaves:Definition of the terms balanced, warp-faced and weft-faced twill weaves. Developed twill weaves, i.e. zigzag, herringbone, diamond, diaper, rearrange twill, step twill, broken and elongated, relative firmness of twill weaves, large twills influence of the twist of the yarns. Angle of inclination of twill weaves

    Learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of Twill weave

    ·         Able to identify the derivatives of Twill weave

    ·         Able to design different derivatives of Twill weave

    Able to plan the drafting and lifting of any Twill weave design

  • Lecture 10: Twill Weave Zigzag & Herring Bone Design

    learning objectives

    Twill Weaves:Definition of the terms balanced, warp-faced and weft-faced twill weaves. Developed twill weaves, i.e. zigzag, herringbone, diamond, diaper, rearrange twill, step twill, broken and elongated, relative firmness of twill weaves, large twills influence of the twist of the yarns. Angle of inclination of twill weaves

    Learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of Twill weave

    ·         Able to identify the derivatives of Twill weave

    ·         Able to design different derivatives of Twill weave

    Able to plan the drafting and lifting of any Twill weave design

  • Lecture 11: Twill Weave Diamond & Diaper Design

    learning objectives

    Twill Weaves:Definition of the terms balanced, warp-faced and weft-faced twill weaves. Developed twill weaves, i.e. zigzag, herringbone, diamond, diaper, rearrange twill, step twill, broken and elongated, relative firmness of twill weaves, large twills influence of the twist of the yarns. Angle of inclination of twill weaves

    Learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of Twill weave

    ·         Able to identify the derivatives of Twill weave

    ·         Able to design different derivatives of Twill weave

    Able to plan the drafting and lifting of any Twill weave design

  • Lecture 12: Twill Weave Broken, Rearrange & Step Twill Design

    learning objectives

    Twill Weaves:Definition of the terms balanced, warp-faced and weft-faced twill weaves. Developed twill weaves, i.e. zigzag, herringbone, diamond, diaper, rearrange twill, step twill, broken and elongated, relative firmness of twill weaves, large twills influence of the twist of the yarns. Angle of inclination of twill weaves

    Learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of Twill weave

    ·         Able to identify the derivatives of Twill weave

    ·         Able to design different derivatives of Twill weave

    Able to plan the drafting and lifting of any Twill weave design

  • Lecture 14: Satin Weave

    learning objectives

    Satin and sateen weave, Drafts, denting and pegging plans

    Learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of satin weave

    Able to plan the drafting and lifting of any satin weave design

  • Lecture 15: Fancy Weave Mock Leno & Hucka Back

    learning objectives

    Fancy Designs of Fabrics:Characteristic, appearance and texture of simple fancy weaves (viz. mock leno including distorted thread effects), huckaback honeycomb, basic crepe weaves and Bedford cord structures

    Learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of fancyweave

    ·         Able to identify the different fancy weave

    ·         Able to design different fancy weave

    • Able to plan the drafting and lifting of any fancy weave design

  • Lecture 16 & 17: Fancy Weave Honeycomb Design

    learning objectives:

    Fancy Designs of Fabrics:Characteristic, appearance and texture of simple fancy weaves (viz. mock leno including distorted thread effects), huckaback honeycomb, basic crepe weaves and Bedford cord structures

    learning outcomes:

    ·         Learn different types of fancyweave

    ·         Able to identify the different fancy weave

    ·         Able to design different fancy weave

    Able to plan the drafting and lifting of any fancy weave design

  • Quiz 3

  • Presentation

  • Final exam