Section outline

  • Criminology (Law 403)

    Introduction to the course:

    Society is evolving every moment and new mode of crimes is threatening the peace and stability. It is the duty of the criminology researchers to point out the causation of the crimes and suggesting prevention mechanism. As a student of law, the study of criminology opens new doors for future career. At its core, the purpose of criminology is to understand both the onset of crime and the most effective methods for its elimination. Why do people commit illegal acts, and what can be done to convince them—and others who are contemplating crime— that it is in their best interests to turn their back on criminality? These concepts are naturally bound together: it is impossible to effectively control crime unless we understand its cause.

    The objective of the course:

    The scientific study of crime and criminals to explain the nature, extent, causes and prevention of criminal behavior. The reach of crime has become truly international, creating new challenges for law enforcement authorities.

    Course Contents:

    1. Crime, criminal law and criminology
    2. Schools of criminology
    3. Bio-criminology, the study of the biological basis of criminal behavior.
    4. Psychological factors and their influences on criminal behavior.
    5. Sociological factors and their influences on criminal behavior
    6. Economical conditions and crime, anomalies and strain theory
    7. White-collar crime, corporate crime, and cyber-crime.
    8. Serial killing and criminal profiling
    8. Feminist criminology, the study of women and crime.
    9. Penology, the study of prisons and prison systems.
    10. Prevention & control of crime (Including theories and forms of punishment)
    11. Juvenile justice system


  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings:

    1. Definition of Criminology

    2. Different fields of criminology

    3. The relation between Science and Criminology

    4. Development of Criminology

    i. The Primary Stage

    ii. The Secondary Stage

    iii. The Advance Stage

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following topics:

    1. Definition of Criminology

    2. Different fields of criminology

    3. Relation between Science and Criminology

    4. Development of Criminology

    i. The Primary Stage

    ii. The Secondary Stage

    iii. The Advance Stage

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Definition of Criminology

    2. Different fields of criminology

    3. Relation between Science and Criminology

    4. Development of Criminology

    i. The Primary Stage

    ii. The Secondary Stage

    iii. The Advance Stage

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings:

    1. Classical school of Criminology including:
    (i) Doctrine of Hedonism.
    (ii) Primary concept on the theory of Cessare Beccaria.

    2. Positive school of Criminology including:
    (i) Darwin’s thesis of evolution.
    (ii) Primary concept on the theory of Cesare Lombroso.

    3. Comparison between different schools. 
    4. Social school of Criminology.
    5. Conflict School of Criminology.

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following topics:

    1. Classical school of Criminology including:
    (i) Doctrine of Hedonism.
    (ii) Primary concept on the theory of Cessare Beccaria.

    2. Positive school of Criminology including:
    (i) Darwin’s thesis of evolution.
    (ii) Primary concept on the theory of Cesare Lombroso.

    3. Comparison between different schools. 
    4. Social school of Criminology.
    5. Conflict School of Criminology.

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Classical school of Criminology including:
    (i) Doctrine of Hedonism.
    (ii) Primary concept on the theory of Cessare Beccaria.

    2. Positive school of Criminology including:
    (i) Darwin’s thesis of evolution.
    (ii) Primary concept on the theory of Cesare Lombroso.

    3. Comparison between different schools. 
    4. Social school of Criminology.
    5. Conflict School of Criminology.

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings:

    1. Explaining morality, sin and crime.
    2. Creation of Criminal Law from Morality
    3. Analyzing the interrelationship and categorizing distinguished features.
    4. Crime in the ancient society.
    i. Concept of crime in different time
    ii, Roman society
    iii. Inca society
    iv. North American Plain Indians
    v. Germanic tribes
    5. Peculiar crimes around the world.

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following topics:

    1. Explaining morality, sin and crime.
    2. Creation of Criminal Law from Morality
    3. Analyzing the interrelationship and categorizing distinguished features.
    4. Crime in the ancient society.
    i. Concept of crime in different time
    ii, Roman society
    iii. Inca society
    iv. North American Plain Indians
    v. Germanic tribes
    5. Peculiar crimes around the world.

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Explaining morality, sin and crime.
    2. Creation of Criminal Law from Morality
    3. Analyzing the interrelationship and categorizing distinguished features.
    4. Crime in the ancient society.
    i. Concept of crime in different time
    ii, Roman society
    iii. Inca society
    iv. North American Plain Indians
    v. Germanic tribes
    5. Peculiar crimes around the world.

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings:

    1. Origin and development of the term "Crime".
    2. Comparison between legal and sociological definition of crime scrutinizing following cases: 
    (i) The Green River killer case and 
    (ii) United States of America v. Christopher S. Handley 
    3. Different Views (Theory) of Crime.
    i. Consensus view
    ii. Interventionist view
    iii. Conflict view

    4. Elements of Crime (Including Emperor vs. Raghunath Rai case analysis).
    5. Taxonomy of criminal activities on the basis of:
    i. Target
    ii. Motive
    iii. Inherent character and general agreement of people
    iv. Gravity and miscellaneous

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following topics:

    1. Origin and development of the term "Crime".
    2. Comparison between legal and sociological definition of crime scrutinizing following cases: 
    (i) The Green River killer case and 
    (ii) United States of America v. Christopher S. Handley 
    3. Different Views (Theory) of Crime.
    i. Consensus view
    ii. Interventionist view
    iii. Conflict view

    4. Elements of Crime (Including Emperor vs. Raghunath Rai case analysis).
    5. Taxonomy of criminal activities on the basis of:
    i. Target
    ii. Motive
    iii. Inherent character and general agreement of people
    iv. Gravity and miscellaneous

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Origin and development of the term "Crime".
    2. Comparison between legal and sociological definition of crime scrutinizing following cases: 
    (i) The Green River killer case and 
    (ii) United States of America v. Christopher S. Handley 
    3. Different Views (Theory) of Crime.
    i. Consensus view
    ii. Interventionist view
    iii. Conflict view

    4. Elements of Crime (Including Emperor vs. Raghunath Rai case analysis).
    5. Taxonomy of criminal activities on the basis of:
    i. Target
    ii. Motive
    iii. Inherent character and general agreement of people
    iv. Gravity and miscellaneous

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings:

    1. Psychodynamic theory including:
    (i) Id
    (ii) Ego
    (iii) Super ego
    (iv) Interaction between Id, Ego and Super ego
    2. Behavioral theory and modeling
    3. Cognitive theory

    4. Relation between Intelligence and crime

    (i) IQ
    (ii) Nature theory
    (iii) Nurture theory

    5.  Personality and Crime
    6. Causes of psychopathy

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following topics:

    1. Psychodynamic theory including:
    (i) Id
    (ii) Ego
    (iii) Super ego
    (iv) Interaction between Id, Ego and Super ego
    2. Behavioral theory and modeling
    3. Cognitive theory

    4. Relation between Intelligence and crime

    (i) IQ
    (ii) Nature theory
    (iii) Nurture theory

    5.  Personality and Crime
    6. Causes of psychopathy

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Psychodynamic theory including:
    (i) Id
    (ii) Ego
    (iii) Super ego
    (iv) Interaction between Id, Ego and Super ego
    2. Behavioral theory and modeling
    3. Cognitive theory

    4. Relation between Intelligence and crime

    (i) IQ
    (ii) Nature theory
    (iii) Nurture theory

    5.  Personality and Crime
    6. Causes of psychopathy

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings theories:

    1. Rational Choice Theory
    2. Trait Theory
    3. Social Structure Theory
    4. Social Process Theory
    5. Social Conflict Theory
    6. Routine Activity Theory

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following theories:

    1. Rational Choice Theory
    2. Trait Theory
    3. Social Structure Theory
    4. Social Process Theory
    5. Social Conflict Theory
    6. Routine Activity Theory

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Rational Choice Theory
    2. Trait Theory
    3. Social Structure Theory
    4. Social Process Theory
    5. Social Conflict Theory
    6. Routine Activity Theory

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings theories:

    1. Relation between economy and crime
    2. Economical theories of crime causation
    3. Durkheim's Theory of Anomie
    4. Abnormal Consequences of the Divisions of Labor
    4.Comparing Anomie, Alienation and Disenchantment
    5. Theory on Human Nature
    6. Strain theory

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following theories:

    1. Relation between economy and crime
    2. Economical theories of crime causation
    3. Durkheim's Theory of Anomie
    4. Abnormal Consequences of the Divisions of Labor
    4.Comparing Anomie, Alienation and Disenchantment
    5. Theory on Human Nature
    6. Strain theory

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Relation between economy and crime
    2. Economical theories of crime causation
    3. Durkheim's Theory of Anomie
    4. Abnormal Consequences of the Divisions of Labor
    4.Comparing Anomie, Alienation and Disenchantment
    5. Theory on Human Nature
    6. Strain theory

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  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings theories:

    1. Looking back at the past
    2. Capital punishment
    3. Detention
    4. Solitary Confinement
    5. Boot camps
    6. House arrest and electronic monitoring
    7. Fines and restitution
    8. Community service
    9. Probation
    (i) Probate conditions
    (ii) Intensive supervision probation (ISP)
    (iii) Advantages of Probation
    (iv) Disadvantages of Probation
    10. Parole
    (i) Procedure of parole
    (ii) Parolee in the Community
    (iii) Advantages of Parole
    (iv) Disadvantages of Parole
    (11) Indeterminate Sentencing

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following theories:

    1. Looking back at the past
    2. Capital punishment
    3. Detention
    4. Solitary Confinement
    5. Boot camps
    6. House arrest and electronic monitoring
    7. Fines and restitution
    8. Community service
    9. Probation
    (i) Probate conditions
    (ii) Intensive supervision probation (ISP)
    (iii) Advantages of Probation
    (iv) Disadvantages of Probation
    10. Parole
    (i) Procedure of parole
    (ii) Parolee in the Community
    (iii) Advantages of Parole
    (iv) Disadvantages of Parole
    (11) Indeterminate Sentencing

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Looking back at the past
    2. Capital punishment
    3. Detention
    4. Solitary Confinement
    5. Boot camps
    6. House arrest and electronic monitoring
    7. Fines and restitution
    8. Community service
    9. Probation
    (i) Probate conditions
    (ii) Intensive supervision probation (ISP)
    (iii) Advantages of Probation
    (iv) Disadvantages of Probation
    10. Parole
    (i) Procedure of parole
    (ii) Parolee in the Community
    (iii) Advantages of Parole
    (iv) Disadvantages of Parole
    (11) Indeterminate Sentencing

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings theories:

    1Recent scenario of Bangladesh
    2. Challenges for Criminologist
    3. Classification of cyber-crimes

    (i) Cyber Theft
    (ii) Denial of Service Attack
    (iii) Internet Securities Fraud
    (iv) Identity Theft
    (v) Cyber Vandalism
    (vi) Cyber Bullying
    (vii) Cyber Terrorism
    (viii) Pornography and Prostitution
    (ix) Distributing Dangerous Drugs
    (x) Non-delivery of Goods or Services

    4. Examples of Cyber-crime
    (i) Ransomeware
    (ii) Yahoo under attack (2013)

    5. Some Notorious Cyber Criminals
    (i) Vladimir Levin
    (ii) Gary McKinnon
    (iii) Adrian Lamo

    6. Psychology of cyber-criminals
    7. Controlling Cyber Crime
    8. Bangladesh Fighting against Cyber-crime (Legal mechanism)

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following theories:

    1Recent scenario of Bangladesh
    2. Challenges for Criminologist
    3. Classification of cyber-crimes

    (i) Cyber Theft
    (ii) Denial of Service Attack
    (iii) Internet Securities Fraud
    (iv) Identity Theft
    (v) Cyber Vandalism
    (vi) Cyber Bullying
    (vii) Cyber Terrorism
    (viii) Pornography and Prostitution
    (ix) Distributing Dangerous Drugs
    (x) Non-delivery of Goods or Services

    4. Examples of Cyber-crime
    (i) Ransomeware
    (ii) Yahoo under attack (2013)

    5. Some Notorious Cyber Criminals
    (i) Vladimir Levin
    (ii) Gary McKinnon
    (iii) Adrian Lamo

    6. Psychology of cyber-criminals
    7. Controlling Cyber Crime
    8. Bangladesh Fighting against Cyber-crime (Legal mechanisms)

    Lecture Contents:

    1Recent scenario of Bangladesh
    2. Challenges for Criminologist
    3. Classification of cyber-crimes

    (i) Cyber Theft
    (ii) Denial of Service Attack
    (iii) Internet Securities Fraud
    (iv) Identity Theft
    (v) Cyber Vandalism
    (vi) Cyber Bullying
    (vii) Cyber Terrorism
    (viii) Pornography and Prostitution
    (ix) Distributing Dangerous Drugs
    (x) Non-delivery of Goods or Services

    4. Examples of Cyber-crime
    (i) Ransomeware
    (ii) Yahoo under attack (2013)

    5. Some Notorious Cyber Criminals
    (i) Vladimir Levin
    (ii) Gary McKinnon
    (iii) Adrian Lamo

    6. Psychology of cyber-criminals
    7. Controlling Cyber Crime
    8. Bangladesh Fighting against Cyber-crime (Legal mechanisms)

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings theories:

    1. Defining Juvenile & Juvenile Delinquency
    2. Factors that increase Juvenile Delinquency
    3. Causes of Juvenile delinquency in Bangladesh
    4. International Legal Framework for a Child Rights Oriented Juvenile Justice

    5. Juvenile Justice System in Bangladesh analyzing following cases:

    (i) Shiplu and another Vs State”, 49 (1997) DLR, HCD
    (ii) Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and others v. Bangladesh and others” (2002) 7 BLC (HCD) 
    (iii) Bimal Das v. State” 46 DLR 460
    (iv) State Vs Deputy Commissioner, Satkhira” {45(1993) DLR, HCD
    (v) Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and another vs Bangladesh and others” (Supreme Court Writ Petition No. 1341 of 2000)

    6. The treatments for the Juvenile Delinquents in Bangladesh

    8. Child Affairs Police Officer (CAPO)
    9. Recommendation to Reform Juvenile Delinquents in Bangladesh

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following theories:

    1. Defining Juvenile & Juvenile Delinquency
    2. Factors that increase Juvenile Delinquency
    3. Causes of Juvenile delinquency in Bangladesh
    4. International Legal Framework for a Child Rights Oriented Juvenile Justice

    5. Juvenile Justice System in Bangladesh analyzing following cases:

    (i) Shiplu and another Vs State”, 49 (1997) DLR, HCD
    (ii) Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and others v. Bangladesh and others” (2002) 7 BLC (HCD) 
    (iii) Bimal Das v. State” 46 DLR 460
    (iv) State Vs Deputy Commissioner, Satkhira” {45(1993) DLR, HCD
    (v) Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and another vs Bangladesh and others” (Supreme Court Writ Petition No. 1341 of 2000)

    6. The treatments for the Juvenile Delinquents in Bangladesh

    8. Child Affairs Police Officer (CAPO)
    9. Recommendation to Reform Juvenile Delinquents in Bangladesh

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Defining Juvenile & Juvenile Delinquency
    2. Factors that increase Juvenile Delinquency
    3. Causes of Juvenile delinquency in Bangladesh
    4. International Legal Framework for a Child Rights Oriented Juvenile Justice

    5. Juvenile Justice System in Bangladesh analyzing following cases:

    (i) Shiplu and another Vs State”, 49 (1997) DLR, HCD
    (ii) Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and others v. Bangladesh and others” (2002) 7 BLC (HCD) 
    (iii) Bimal Das v. State” 46 DLR 460
    (iv) State Vs Deputy Commissioner, Satkhira” {45(1993) DLR, HCD
    (v) Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust and another vs Bangladesh and others” (Supreme Court Writ Petition No. 1341 of 2000)

    6. The treatments for the Juvenile Delinquents in Bangladesh

    8. Child Affairs Police Officer (CAPO)
    9. Recommendation to Reform Juvenile Delinquents in Bangladesh

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings theories:

    1. Recent Scenario of Bangladesh

    2. Analyzing the Causes and Factors including theories provided by:
    (i) Sigmund Freud
    (ii) Chapman
    (iii) Chesney-Lind
    (iv) Cohen
    (v) Guttentag and Secord
    (vi) Cesare Lombroso

    3. The Prevention and Controlling Measures of Female Criminality

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following theories:

    1. Recent Scenario of Bangladesh

    2. Analyzing the Causes and Factors including theories provided by:
    (i) Sigmund Freud
    (ii) Chapman
    (iii) Chesney-Lind
    (iv) Cohen
    (v) Guttentag and Secord
    (vi) Cesare Lombroso

    3. The Prevention and Controlling Measures of Female Criminality

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Recent Scenario of Bangladesh

    2. Analyzing the Causes and Factors including theories provided by:
    (i) Sigmund Freud
    (ii) Chapman
    (iii) Chesney-Lind
    (iv) Cohen
    (v) Guttentag and Secord
    (vi) Cesare Lombroso

    3. The Prevention and Controlling Measures of Female Criminality

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings theories:

    1. Introduction and origin
    2. Characteristics of white collar crime

    3. Different types of white-collar crimes
    4. Causes of white collar crime
    5. White Collar Crime & Corporate Crime: Correlative Features

    6. Case analysis:
    (i) Sonali Bank Hallmark Scam
    (ii) Padma Bridge Corruption Conspiracy
    (iii) Ex-Captain Mohammad Ashraful Over Match Fixing Allegations
    (iv) Public Examination Question Paper Leakage

    7. Preventing White Collar Crimes

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following theories:

    1. Introduction and origin
    2. Characteristics of white collar crime

    3. Different types of white-collar crimes
    4. Causes of white collar crime
    5. White Collar Crime & Corporate Crime: Correlative Features

    6. Case analysis:
    (i) Sonali Bank Hallmark Scam
    (ii) Padma Bridge Corruption Conspiracy
    (iii) Ex-Captain Mohammad Ashraful Over Match Fixing Allegations
    (iv) Public Examination Question Paper Leakage

    7. Preventing White Collar Crimes

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Introduction and origin
    2. Characteristics of white collar crime

    3. Different types of white-collar crimes
    4. Causes of white collar crime
    5. White Collar Crime & Corporate Crime: Correlative Features

    6. Case analysis:
    (i) Sonali Bank Hallmark Scam
    (ii) Padma Bridge Corruption Conspiracy
    (iii) Ex-Captain Mohammad Ashraful Over Match Fixing Allegations
    (iv) Public Examination Question Paper Leakage

    7. Preventing White Collar Crimes

  • Objectives of this Lecture:

    To teach the student about the basic concept of the followings theories:

    1. Origin and growth of Bangladesh Police
    2. Organizations of Police
    3. Problems of Bangladesh Police

    Some Recent Cases:
    (i) The seven murders of Narayangonj
    (ii) Damaging both eyes of Shahjalal, Khalispur
    (iii) Detective branch officers detained by army personnel in Cox's bazar

    Recommendations to Reform Bangladesh Police
    6. Recommendations to Reform Rapid Action Battalion
    7. BLAST and others vs. Bangladesh and others [‘Section 54 Guidelines Case’, or ‘Rubel Killing Case’ or ‘Guidelines on Arrest and Remand Case’]

    Lecture Outcomes: 

    At the end of the session students will be able to learn and understand the following theories:

    1. Origin and growth of Bangladesh Police
    2. Organizations of Police
    3. Problems of Bangladesh Police

    Some Recent Cases:
    (i) The seven murders of Narayangonj
    (ii) Damaging both eyes of Shahjalal, Khalispur
    (iii) Detective branch officers detained by army personnel in Cox's bazar

    Recommendations to Reform Bangladesh Police
    6. Recommendations to Reform Rapid Action Battalion
    7. BLAST and others vs. Bangladesh and others [‘Section 54 Guidelines Case’, or ‘Rubel Killing Case’ or ‘Guidelines on Arrest and Remand Case’]

    Lecture Contents:

    1. Origin and growth of Bangladesh Police
    2. Organizations of Police
    3. Problems of Bangladesh Police

    Some Recent Cases:
    (i) The seven murders of Narayangonj
    (ii) Damaging both eyes of Shahjalal, Khalispur
    (iii) Detective branch officers detained by army personnel in Cox's bazar

    Recommendations to Reform Bangladesh Police
    6. Recommendations to Reform Rapid Action Battalion
    7. BLAST and others vs. Bangladesh and others [‘Section 54 Guidelines Case’, or ‘Rubel Killing Case’ or ‘Guidelines on Arrest and Remand Case’]