Topic outline

  • Welcome to Physiology



  • Attendence

    • Chapter 1: Basic introduction to physiology, Cell, Cell division, tissue and body fluids.


      Learning outcome:

      •  Understand major cell components, function and importance of different cellular organelles. 
      •  Get idea about basic steps involved in cell division and cell cycle.
      •   Define and classify different types of animal tissue.
      •  Differentiate between organ systems according to their structure.
      •  Explain each types of tissue with their functions.
      •  Types of body fluids.
      •   Role of body fluids in human body.

      Topic contents:

      • Structure and functions, cell inclusion, division of cell and cell cycle.
      • Definition, classification, characteristics, distribution and function of tissue.
      • Extracellular and  intracellular fluid,  interstitial fluid.
      • Types of body fluids ie synovial fluid, intraoccular fluid, cerebrospinal fluid.

    • Assignment

    • Chapter 2: Blood system

      Learning outcome:

       Describe  composition , types and function of blood 

      Distinguish between plasma and serum.

      Identify the structure and functions of hemoglobin 

      Describe how hemoglobin works in human body including oxygen transfer.

      Understand the  blood coagulation factors with their function.

      Describe the detail knowledge about anaemia. 

      Define Hemostasis and coagulation.

      Able to know about disease associated with blood system.

      Topic contents:

      Blood: Composition and function.  

      Plasma:  Electrolytes, proteins and other organic constituents.

      Blood cells: their formation and destruction, cell count, functions of different blood cells. 

      Hemoglobin: Structure, properties and functions.  

      Coagulation factor: Definition, functions. 

      Anaemia: Causes and classification. 

      Blood coagulation: 

      Blood groups, blood transfusion.

    • Quiz -1

                                       Question type: Short descriptive question, MCQ, True false, Case study

    • This topic

      Mid term Examination

      Mid term  :

      Total marks: 15 marks
      Total time: 17 minutes
       Chapter: i). Basic introduction to cell, cell division and body fluid.
                       ii). Blood system

      Assessment Strategy:
      MCQ: 10
      True /False: 5

       Level 1: Eight questions relating to subjects topic and general idea.

       Level 2: Five questions to judge understand ability of particular topics.

       Level 3: Four questions relating to elucidation of some pharmacological facts.

       Level 4: Three questions to assess students critical thinking

    • Chapter 3: Circulatory system

      Learning outcome:
      • Describe different types of heart muscle and blood circulation process.
      • Understand some terminology related with heart like   heartbeat, cardiac cycle, cardiac output, nervous regulation of heart, cardiac reflexes.
      • Define blood pressure and  describe different types of blood pressure.
      • Illustrate the factor effecting blood pressure 
      • Compare and contrast between capillary and regional blood circulation.
      • Short term and long term regulation of blood pressure.
      • How action potential propagates.
      • Describe the function of lymph nodes lymphatic systems Describe detail about lymph composition.

      Learning outcome:

      Circulatory system: Heart: Structure, heart muscles, conducting system of heart, origin and transmission of cardiac impulse; ECG, control and requirements for the normal heart beat, cardiac cycle, cardiac output, nervous regulation of heart, cardiac reflexes.  

      Blood vessels: Types of blood vessels and their functions. 

      Blood pressure: Measurements and regulation of blood pressure, nervous control and chemical control. Arterial pulse: Definition and clinical study, recording of arterial pulse. 

      Capillary circulation: Importance and functions.

      Regional blood circulation: Pulmonary circulation, hepatic circulation, renal circulation and cerebral circulation.

      Lymphatic system: Lymph, Lymph capillary, lymphatic vessels, lymph node, Lymphatic organs Composition and formation of lymph, Function and circulation via lymphatic system.

    • Quiz -2

                                             Question type: Short descriptive question, MCQ, True false, Case study

    • Chapter 4: Structure and functions of liver

      Learning outcome:

      • Describe function and structure of liver and biliary tree.
      • Understand  the process of bile formation, storage, release and role of bile in digestion.

      Topic contents:

      • Formation of bile and its concentration in the gall bladder
      • Circulation of bile salts and bile pigments
      •  Functions of liver.

    • Chapter 5: Digestive system

      Learning outcome:

      • Describe the alimentary process Describe the process of food ( carbohydrate, protein, fat) digestion 
      • Describe different types of gastric juice and enzyme   
      • Illustrate the absorption process of food.
      • Regulation of gastric acid secretion.

      Topic contents:
      • Structure of different parts of the alimentary system, 
      • Movements of the different parts of the alimentary tract and their control.
      • Swallowing, gastric contractions, intestinal contraction.
      • Secretion of digestive juices, saliva, gastric juice, pancreatic juice, intestinal juice and bile.
      • Mechanism and control of the various secretions and their functions, digestion of food stuff, absorption of the different digested materials .

    • Quiz -3

      Question type: Short descriptive question, MCQ, True false, Case study

    • Presentation

    • Chapter 6: Respiratory system

      Learning outcome:

      • Describe process of respiration.
      • Define different terminologies of respiratory systems 
      • Describe the gas exchange process through lung and blood.
      • Regulation of respiration.
      • Illustrate different types of respiratory diseases with their cause.

      Topic contents:

      • Mechanism of respiration, pulmonary ventilation, ventilation volumes.
      • Gaseous interchange through lungs: carriage of O2 and CO2.
      •  Regulation of respiration: Nervous and chemical regulation. 
      • Hypoxia: Causes and classification, abnormal breathing.
      •  Cheyne stokes breathing, Kussmalbreathing, breathing at high altitude. 

    • Final Examination


      Final Exam Fall-2020

      Total marks: 50

      Assessment strategy:

      Online Exam at BLC: 30 Marks Time 40 minutes

      MCQ 20 marks, True/False 10 marks

      Oral Assessment 15 Marks

      Online activity 5 marks


      Cardiovascular system

      Lymphatic system

      Digestive system

      Question types

      Level 1: 15 questions relating to subjects topic and general idea.

         Level 2: 8 questions to judge understand ability of particular topics.

                    Level 3: 4 questions relating to elucidation of some pharmacological facts

                                                                                  Level 4: 3 question to assess students critical thinking.


    • Lesson from life

      • Compliments