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Exclusive breastfeeding

Exclusive breastfeeding

by Gayettri Rani -
Number of replies: 1

Ans. Exclusive breastfeeding: Exclusive breastfeeding means that the infant is fed only breast milk the first six month of birth ,with no liquid ,solid, semi solid and no additional food or drinks.

 Importance of exclusive breastfeeding:

1. colostrum works as a first vaccine of the infants.
2.Breast milk provides ideal nutrition for babies. It contains protective substances that give infants immunity to diseases. In the early stages of a baby's life, breast milk meets all of her/her nutrient needs.
3.Breast milk contains important antibodies.
4.Breast milk promotes baby's healthy weight, growth.
5.Breast feeding burning calories  helps weight loss for mother.
6.Breast feeding saves times and reduce excess cost for poor people.
7.Breast feeding reduces risk of breast cancer for mother.
8.Breastfeeding may prevent menstruation.
9.breast feeding promote infants brain development.
10. Breast feeding make  mother and infant bonding from heart.