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Clss Activities

Clss Activities

by Khadizatul Khadiza -
Number of replies: 1

Name:Mst Khadizatul


Section 22 of the Artha Rin Adalat Ain, 2003 provides for Settlement Conference after filing of written statement. The Court shall refer the matter to the parties or their lawyer for mediation. After completion of mediation procedure, a report consisting of signature of both parties, pleaders and mediator is to be submitted in the Court. If the matter is resolved by mediation, the terms and conditions of the report is to be written in an agreement. Thereafter the Court will pass a decree on the basis of the agreement.

Stages of artho rin adalot:

1. Within 10 days from the date of reference Parties shall informed the court whom they have appointed.

2. If fails, Court shall appoint a mediator.

3. Mediation shall concluded within 60 days (if not extended 30 days).

4. Result shall Reduced into writing, bearing signature of parties and mediator or left thumbs impression of parties.

5.Within 7 days court shall pass an order or decree.

6. If settled, court shall issue certificate directing refunding court fees.

7. If fails court shall proceed the hearing from that stage where mediation starts.

8. Proceeding shall be confidential.

9. No appeal or revision shall lie against such decree.